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Updated: August 20, 2024

On the north coast, we meet with the Victoria, the Daly, the Adelaide, the Alligator, the Liverpool, the Roper, the Limmen Bight, the Macarthur, the Robinson and the Calvert, the Albert which is the outlet for the Nicholson and the Gregory the Leichhardt and the Flinders, the Norman, the Gilbert, the Einesleigh, the Mitchell, the Archer, the Jardine, and the Batavia, which brings us back to our starting point at Cape York.

Thence the party followed down the Roper for some distance, and then crossing the head waters of the Limmen Bight River, skirted the Gulf at some considerable way south of Leichhardt's track, crossing the same rivers that he did, only higher up on their courses. Gregory determined not to wait, but to proceed home overland.

This shrub was one of the principal components of all the scrubs we passed from this place to Limmen Bight, and was also found, though less frequently, towards the centre of Arnheim's Land. The day was exceedingly hot, though cloudy; the wind from the east: the night cool, without wind.

Limnaea, and two species of Melania, were found in it; the one species, with a long sharp spire, had been found in a reedy brook, at the upper Burdekin. Limmen Bight river was not half a mile from our camp; and I now hoped that we should soon be out of the system of salt-water creeks joining it from the southward. We had left the stiff grasses of the coast, and the pasture was fast improving.

The two placer, where "Ffresh" water is marked would be the Batavia River, near Cape York, and the present Macarthur River, at the head of the Gulf, the well defined headlands shown there having been resolved by Captain Flinders into a group of islands, now known as the Sir Edward Pellew Group. Tasman's ships were the LIMMEN, the ZEEMEUW, and the tender DE BRAK.

Other ranges appeared to the eastward and northward. As we approached the river, we passed some sandstone hills covered with a dense scrub exactly like that of the sea coast south of Limmen Bight. All along the outside of the scrub, we observed old camps of the natives; several of whom were seen crossing the plains.

Vanderlin Island, after Cornelis Van der Lyn; Sweer's Island, after Salamon Sweers; Maria Island, after his supposed sweetheart, Maria Van Dieman; and Limmen Bight, after his ship, the LIMMEN. This chart may be looked on as being the first one to give a reliable and good outline of the Australian coast as then known namely, from Endeavour Strait, in the extreme north, to the eastern limit of Pieter Nuvt's Land, on the south.

We cut the meat into slices, and put them out to dry. Oct. 9. I went with Brown to examine the country along the river, which I called "Limmen Bight River;" from its disemboguing into Limmen Bight.

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