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But John had not forgotten him, and when he arrived at their hotel next day he at once opened his capacious mouth and let out the following information: "The gentleman's name is Denton, his other name is Mervyn, he is three days in Constantinople, he lives in Hughes's Hotel in Pera, a very poor house where chic people they never goes, he is out all day and always walkin', he will not take a carriage, and he is never tired, Nicholas Gounaris the Greek guide he is droppin' but the gentleman he does not mind, he only sayin' if you cannot walk find me another guide what can, every night he is out, too, and he is goin' to Stamboul when it is dark, he is afraid of nothin' and goin' where travelers they never go, one night Gounaris he had to show the traveler "

The figure C shows the imperfect achievement of the design D. However, as the position of Suffren's flagship prevented the British van from tacking into action, the net result was, to use Hughes's own words, that "the enemy brought eight of their best ships to the attack of five of ours."

Jos Hughes's shop was the very last house in the village, the road beyond it merging into the rushy moor, and dwindling into a stony track, down which a streamlet trickled from the peat bog above. The house had stood in the same place for two hundred years, and Jos Hughes looked as if he too had lived there for the same length of time.