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"He's a great big athlatic feller six foot i, with a pair of black whiskers like air-brushes with a look of a Colonel in the harmy a dangerous pawmpus-spoken raskle I warrunt you. I was coming ome from shuiting this hafternoon and passing through Lady Hangelina's flour-garding, who should I see in the summerouse, but Mary Hann pretending to em an ankyshr and Mr. Fitzwarren paying his cort to her?

Has I sat down defning chears selewted the horator; the band struck up 'The Good Old English Gentleman. I looked to the ladies galry; my Hangelina waived her ankasher and kissd her &; and I sor in the distans that pore Mary Hann efected evidently to tears by my ellaquints." "What an adwance that gal has made since she's been in Lady Hangelina's company!

"Deseatful Hangelina's billy ran as follows: "'I had all along hoped that you would have relinquished pretensions which you must have seen were so disagreeable to me; and have spared me the painful necessity of the step which I am compelled to take. For a long time I could not believe my parents were serious in wishing to sacrifice me, but have in vain entreated them to spare me.

"Hangelina's pictur was kindly presented to me by Countess B., her mamma, though of coarse I paid for it. "With such a perfusion of ringlits I should scarcely have known her but the ands, feat, and i's, was very like. She was painted in a gitar supposed to be singing one of my little melladies; and her brother Southdown, who is one of the New England poits, wrote the follering stanzys about her: