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If the different grades of race and society did not have corresponding moral and civil liberties, varying in degree as they vary h-why! this community, at least, would go to pieces! See here! Professor Frowenfeld is charged with misdemeanor. Very well, who is he? Foreigner or native? Foreigner by sentiment and intention, or only by accident of birth?

H-I might as well have stayed at home or better, for my peculiar position to-day rather requires me to keep in " "No, citizen," said Frowenfeld, laying his hand upon Agricola's arm, "I trust it is not in vain that you have come out. There is a man in trouble whom only you can deliver." The old man began to swell with complacency. "H-why, really " "He, Citizen, is truly of your kind "

"Citizen Fusilier," he said, looking first down at the floor and then up into the inquirer's face, "on my assurance that he is not only a native Creole, but a Grandissime " "It is not possible!" exclaimed Agricola. " a Grandissime of the purest blood, will you pledge me your aid to liberate him from his danger, 'right or wrong'?" "Will I? H-why, certainly! Who is he?" "Citizen it is Sylves "

Of our mental fibre our aspirations our delights our indignations? I answer for you, Joseph, yes! yes! What then? H-why, then the decision! Reached how? By apologetic reasonings? By instinct, sir! h-h-that guide of the nobly proud! And what is the decision? Not guilty. Professor Frowenfeld, absolvo te!" It was in vain that the apothecary repeatedly tried to interrupt this speech.