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The needle is passed for a few millimetres along the vein, and the solution is then slowly introduced; before withdrawing the needle some saline is run in to diminish the risk of thrombosis. The "914" preparations may be injected either into the subcutaneous tissue of the buttock or into the substance of the gluteus muscle.

The miserably developed calves of many of the savages of Australia, Africa, and America are well known. The fine, swelling gastroenemius and soleus muscles characterize the highest races, and are most remote from the slender shanks of the monkeys. The gluteus muscles developed in the lower races as well as in the higher distinguish them well from the monkeys with their flat posterior outline.

Because of the relationship between the long axes of the femur and iliac shaft it is evident that the angle formed by these two bones is maintained chiefly by the gluteus muscles during weight bearing. Contraction of muscular fibers of the gluteus medius causes extension of the femur and muscular strain is prevented to a great degree by the inelastic portion of this muscle.

The larger tendon inserts to the summit of the trochanter major of the femur and corresponds to the biceps brachii in the action of the latter on the scapulohumeral joint, except that the gluteus medius, in attaching to the femoral trochanter, exerts its effect as a lever of the first class.

Some are normally present for instance, that between the skin and the patella, and that between the aponeurosis of the gluteus maximus and the great trochanter. Adventitious bursæ are developed as a result of abnormal pressure for example, over the tarsal bones in cases of club-foot.

There are two bursæ over the great trochanter, one superficial to, the other beneath the aponeurosis of the gluteus maximus; the latter is not infrequently infected by tuberculous disease that has spread from the trochanter.