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"Take it, you pious, passimonious, cheese-parin', hair-splittin', back-bitin', flag-raisin' crew!" he roared. "Rebecca never took the flag; I found it in the road, I say!" "You never, no such a thing!" exclaimed Mrs. Meserve. "You found it on the doorsteps in my garden!" "Mebbe twas your garden, but it was so chock full o' weeks I THOUGHT twas the road," retorted Abner.

A curious awe attached to this idea, in which I fully shared, as, being formed in line, I tried to limp martially behind the valiant Lunette. "Halt, by clam!" said our general. "What is it?" came in whispers along the line. "Flory dressed him by candlelight this mornin', so 't she could get time to make three loaves o' angel-cake for the flag-raisin'."

"Take it, you pious, stingy, scandal-talkin', flag-raisin' crew!" he roared. "Rebecca never took the flag; I found it in the road, I say!" "You never, no such a thing!" exclaimed Mrs. Meserve. "You found it on the doorsteps in my garden!" "Mebbe 't was your garden, but it was so chock full o' weeds I thought 't was the road," retorted Abner.

"I should think it 's enough to have a flag-raisin' without a-askin' what it is for!" said she. "What does trees grow for? What does anything in natur' act the way it does for?" I, ever safe anchored behind Lunette's championship, looked out securely at the derelict Tyson, to see if he could answer. He could not, but was abashed.

to flag-raisin'," said the ever well-informed and officious Lunette. "Somehow," said Captain Pharo, shrugging his shoulders, "thar 's too much of a sea-rake blowin' acrost the back o' my neck t' sing 'Prison Cells; 'tain't clost enough for it here. What d'ye say to 'Hold the Fort'?" What they said was unanimous. Even Captain Leezur knew it, and the sculpins, of terrible voice.