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Nor was this change confined to Boeotia. In Locris and Phocis the popular party fell with the fortunes of Coronea the exiled oligarchies were re-established and when we next read of these states, they are the allies of Sparta. At home, the results of the day of Coronea were yet more important.

This was too much to be endured; Flamininus imposed on them a fine of a talent for every soldier; and when they did not pay it, he collected the nearest troops and besieged Coronea . Now they betook themselves to entreaty; Flamininus in reality desisted on the intercession of the Achaeans and Athenians, exacting but a very moderate fine from those who were guilty; and although the Macedonian party remained continuously at the helm in the petty province, the Romans met their puerile opposition simply with the forbearance of superior power.

This speech had but little success at the time; but when, a few days afterward, the news came that Tolmides had fallen in action at Coronea, and many noble citizens with him, Pericles was greatly respected and admired as a wise and patriotic man.

Antiochus went himself into Boeotia, holding out ostensibly those causes of resentment against the Romans which I have already mentioned, the death of Brachyllas, and the attack made by Quinctius on Coronea, on account of the massacre of the Roman soldiers; while the real ones were, that the former excellent policy of that nation, with respect both to public and private concerns, had, for several generations, been on the decline; and that great numbers were in such circumstances, that they could not long subsist without some change in affairs.

Besides, birds build nests before they lay their eggs; and women provide cradles, swaddling cloths and the like; yet who says that the nest is before the egg, or the swaddling cloths before the infant. Sosicles of Coronea having at the Pythian games won the prize from all the poets, gave us an entertainment.

He accompanied Agesilaus, the Spartan king, on the return of the latter from Asia to Greece; and he fought along with the Lacedaemonians against his own countrymen at the battle of Coronea in 394 B.C. After this battle he went with Agesilaus to Sparta, and soon afterwards settled at Scillus in Elis, near Olympia.

Thucydides chosen by the Aristocratic Party to oppose Pericles. His Policy. Munificence of Pericles. Sacred War. Battle of Coronea. Revolt of Euboea and Megara. Invasion and Retreat of the Peloponnesians. Reduction of Euboea. Punishment of Histiaea A Thirty Years' Truce concluded with the Peloponnesians. Ostracism of Thucydides.

IV. Aided by some allied troops, and especially by his thousand volunteers, Tolmides swept into Boeotia reduced Chaeronea garrisoned the captured town, and was returning homeward, when, in the territory of Coronea, he suddenly fell in with a hostile ambush , composed of the exiled bands of Orchomenus, of Opuntian Locrians, and the partisans of the oligarchies of Euboea.

The death of Tolmides the defeat of Coronea the slaughter of the Hoplites weakened the aristocratic party; the democracy and the democratic administration seized the occasion for a decisive effort. Thucydides was summoned to the ostracism, and his banishment freed Pericles from his only rival for the supreme administration of the Athenian empire. Causes of the Power of Pericles.

His father Clinias, having fitted out a galley at his own expense, gained great honor in the sea-fight at Artemisium, and was afterwards slain in the battle of Coronea, fighting against the Boeotians. Pericles and Ariphron, the sons of Xanthippus, nearly related to him, became the guardians of Alcibiades.