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Updated: August 24, 2024

Y de alli alos Malucas dõde esta la especieria, ay cient y cincueta leguas, y ala China dozientas, y a Malach quinientas leguas. Y hallaron alli canela finissima que la hauian los dela isla trahydo de los Malucas y gengibre, y cosas de seda galanas.

Entre las otras hay vna tierra tan rica de oro, que no lo estiman en nada: y hay tãta cãtidad de canela que la quemã en lugar de leñares de tan luzida gente, q la ygualan con España.

Lomismo, con la excepcion que en lugar de echarles azucar, canela y pasas se les echa en el medio carne con chile y sal. From MISS JOSEPHINE SHAKSPEARE, of Louisiana, Lady Manager. Boil the chicken until very tender; pull the meat from the bones in flakes; remove all the skin and cut the meat into very small pieces.

That they roam in great flocks through the canela forests, and devour with avidity the blossoms of these trees, is undoubtedly a fact of which our travellers had the evidence of their own eyes while on their journey up the river Napo.

Canela is the Spanish name for cinnamon; and the rude adventurers Pineda and Gonzalez Pizarro, fancying it was the real cinnamon-tree itself, so called it; and the district in which they found it most abundant thenceforward took the name of Canelos.

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