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"And, even if she were to be prayed back again, she wad never be the creature she was again. A coal black lire, and singit ee-brees, wadna set her auld lovers in Christ's Kirk in a bleeze again." "They should watch the smoking field o' Dysart," cried Widow Lindsay. "If she come again ava, it will be through that deil's porch. But what noise is that, Kitty?

Aweel, when my mother and him forgathered, they set till the sodgers, and I think they gae them their kale through the reek! Bastards o' the hure o' Babylon was the best words in their wame. Sae then the kiln was in a bleeze again, and they brought us a' three on wi' them to mak us an example, as they ca't."

Wolf's Crag is burning, bower and ha' a' the rich plenishing outside and inside a' the fine graith, pictures, tapestries, needle-wark, hangings, and other decorements a' in a bleeze, as if they were nae mair than sae mony peats, or as muckle pease-strae!

"I'm thanking God for a fool," said Dan, "if the whins will just burn, but whins are dour revengefu' bushes." "Burn," says Ronny "burn; they'll hiv a bleeze ye'll see for twenty miles we're bate, Dan." "Na, na," says Dan. "Wait you, yonder's a twinkle, anither. Man, they'll mak' a bonny lowe, and waste a heap of good keep."

"May a' the tribe o' editors, preenters, paper-makers, news-vendors, and the like, bleeze together in the pit o' Tophet!" With this devout aspiration internally felt, not openly uttered Bishopriggs put on his spectacles, and read the passage pointed out to him.