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"Mamma, this Dago waiter, he lived over on the avynoo, an' he took a case-knife he'd sharpened AN' HE CUT A LADY'S HEAD OFF WITH IT!" Mrs. Baxter screamed faintly. "An' he got hung, mamma! If you don't believe it, you can ask One-eye Beljus I guess HE knows! An' you can ask " "Hush!" "An' he sold this suit to One-eye Beljus when he was in jail, mamma. He sold it to him before he got hung, mamma."

William had caught no reference to himself, but he had overheard something and he was now alone in his room, thinking about it almost feverishly. "A secon'-han' sto' ovuh on the avynoo, where they got swaller-tail suits all way f'um sevum dolluhs to nineteem dolluhs an' ninety-eight cents."

What you think Willie's doin'? I bet you can't g " "Jane!" Mrs Baxter spoke sharply. "Tell me what Genesis said, at once." "Yes'm. Willie's sittin' in a lumber-yard that Genesis comes by on his way from over on the avynoo where all the colored people live an' he's countin' knot-holes in shingles." "He is WHAT?" "Yes'm.

Genesis knows all about a second-hand store over on the avynoo; an' it keeps 'most everything, an' Genesis says it's the nicest store! It keeps waiter suits all the way up to nineteen dollars and ninety-nine cents.

"I'm a-go'n' agit me one nem waituh suits befo' long, myse'f, so's I kin quit wearin' 'at ole Henry Gimlet suit what b'long to Fanny, an' have me a privut suit o' my own. They's a secon'-han' sto' ovuh on the avynoo, where they got swallertail suits all way f'um sevum dolluhs to nineteem dolluhs an' ninety-eight cents. I'm a " Jane started, interrupting him.

Genesis says everybody over on the avynoo knows all about that suit, an' he says that's why One-eye Beljus never could sell it before.