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24 29 balle explosible: a bullet which explodes on striking an object. 24 30 pfft! the sound of the bullet passing through the air. 25 2 garçonnets: 'urchins, diminutive of garçon, cf. note to 33 27. 25 chapter heading pas de on the absence of ne cf. note to 13 1. 25 11 peut-être ... se figurait-il the same inversion as that referred to in the preceding note.

In Molière's time, as suggested by the passage of "Le Médecin malgré lui" referred to, musa, musae, was the noun commonly used. 41 2 Heureusement qu': que is redundant, cf. 58 23. 41 4 dieu d'Homère: in the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" the gods often intervene in the affairs of men. 41 11 tenant le milieu entre: 'a cross between.

Mme. de La Fayette was some twenty-two years old, long past the usual marriageable age of French maidens, when, in 1655, she was married to the Count de La Fayette. Little is known of her married life. Boissier in his Vie de Mme. de Sévigné says: "When the correspondence of Mme. de Sévigné with her daughter begins , Mme. de La Fayette has been long a widow." But of this early widowhood there is no positive evidence, the weight of testimony being rather to the contrary. Those who are curious in this matter are referred to d'Haussonville's Vie de Mme. de La Fayette, where the whole controversy is summed up in the following words: "Une chose est certaine: c'est qu'il faut renoncer désormais

Read "Un Décoré du quinze août," referred to in note to 81 5 81 12 kousskouss au sucre: 'sweetened couscous' caïds 'caids, Mohammedan military chiefs. 81 13 un général Yusuf quelconque81.

The undersigned, Her Majesty's principal secretary of State for foreign affairs, in accordance with what was agreed upon between himself and M. Guizot, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary from the King of the French at this court, in their recent interview, has the honour to transmit to M. Guizot an extract from a despatch received by Her Majesty's Government a few days ago from Lord Ponsonby, together with a copy of the inclosure therein referred to.