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The Bohemia of Paris, a glimpse of the country, and especially the life of the artisan, fill "Jack" . Daudet had known the real Jack at Champrosay in 1868. In the novel Jack is the illegitimate son of Ida de Barency, a shallow demi-mondaine who is passionately devoted to the boy but brings to him nothing but misfortune.

What is the end of fame? 'tis but to fill A certain portion of uncertain paper: Some liken it to climbing up a hill Whose summit, like all hills, is lost in vapour; For this men write, speak, preach, and heroes kill, And bards burn what they call their «midnight taperTo have, when the original is dust, A name, a wretched picture, and worse bust. What are the hopes of man?

See you, beneath you cloud so dark, Fast gliding along, a gloomy bark? Her sails are full, though the wind is still, And there blows not a breath her sails to fill! Oh! what doth that vessel of darkness bear? The silent calm of the grave is there, Save now and again a death-knell rung, And the flap of the sails with night-fog hung?

Ma fill', pour pénitence. Et ron, ron, ron, petit patapon; Ma fill', pour pénitence, Nous nous embrasserons, Ron, ron, Nous nous embrasserons. La pénitence est douce, Et ron, ron, ron, petit patapon; La pénitence est douce, Nous recommencerons, Ron, ron, Nous recommenceronsGIROFL

Voici, cria Simon, jetant au milieu du brouhaha les beaux vers de Byron: Fill the goblet again! for I never before Felt the glow which now gladdens my heart to its core; Let us drink! Who would not, etc. A qui le tour? interrogea le Mangeux-d'Hommes quand Simon se fut rassis. Oui,