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"To see you," said Jethro, promptly, "to see you." "Don't you know that that is wrong?" "H-hadn't thought much about it," answered Jethro. "Well, you should think about it. People don't go to meeting to to look at other people." "Thought they did," said Jethro. "W-why do they wear their best clothes why do they wear their best clothes?"

"Uncle Jethro," Cynthia asked, abruptly, "did you ever know my mother?" Jethro started, and looked at her quickly. "W-why, Cynthy?" he asked. "Because she grew up in Coniston," answered Cynthia. "I never thought of it before, but of course you must have known her." "Yes, I knew her," he said. "Did you know her well?" she persisted.

"No, I don't mind.... Shall we sit in the drying room?" leading the way. "Now tell me what is the matter? You rather frighten me, you know. Is is anything wrong at Sandcrest?" "No, I suppose not." He touched his flushed face with his handkerchief; "I couldn't get Oyster Bay on the 'phone." "W-why not?" "The wires are out of commission as far as Huntington; there's no use I tried everything!

But of a sudden Berkeley had risen from his chair, gone to the window, looked out, turned and faced her. "Anne," said he, directly, "what are you going to do about Peter Champneys?" She started as if she had received an electric shock. After a moment, looking at him with a confused and startled stare, she stammered: "W-why do you ask!" "I have to know," said Hayden, and his voice trembled.