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After about forty hours if the parasite is vivax or about sixty-five hours if it is malariæ it becomes immobile, the nucleus divides again and again and the protoplasm collects around these nuclei, forming a number of small cells or spores, as they are called.

The parasites that cause the malarial fevers are Sporozoans and belong to the genus Plasmodium. Other names such as Hæmamoeba and Laverania have been used for them, but the term Plasmodium is the one now most commonly employed. The three most common species are vivax, malariæ and falciparum, causing respectively the tertian, quartan and remittent fevers.

Very soon, however, each one attacks a new red corpuscle and the process of feeding, growth and spore-formation continues, taking exactly the same time for development as in the first generation, so every forty-eight hours in the case of the vivax, and every seventy-two hours in the case of the malariæ a new lot of these spores and the accompanying waste products are thrown out into the blood.

And round about the stone coffin these verses were graven, in the Latin tongue, being, according as it is said, composed by King Don Alfonso himself. And upon his tomb he ordered these verses to be graven also: QUANTUM ROMA POTENS BELLICIS EXTOLLITUR ACTIS, VIVAX ARTHURUS FIT GLORIA QUANTUM BRITANNIS, NOBILIS E CAROLO QUANTUM GAUDET FRANCIA MAGNO, TANTUM IBERIA DURIS CID INVICTOS CLARET.

In about forty-eight or seventy-two hours, depending on whether the parasite is vivax or malariæ the wall of the corpuscle bursts and all these spores with the black pigment and the waste products that have been stored away within the cell are liberated into the blood-plasm. These spores are round or somewhat amoeboid and are carried in the blood for a short time.