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Vanucci excused him. "I heard him say he had forgotten to provide himself with a fardingale. Comrades, the good lad is hunting for a beauty fit to take rank among these peerless dames. Consider the difficulty, ladies, and be patient!" At last Gerard was seen at some distance with a female in his hand. "She is long enough," said one of her sex, criticising her from afar.

Margaret gasped, "Oh, Eleanor, how could you! for supposing supposing it had all been a mistake. What did she think of you?" "I gave her no time to think of me," said Eleanor. "I simply sat down and sang, and then all she thought of was my voice. And as I had sung a scale to Signor Vanucci, I did the same for her.

This Pietro was not only a libertine, but half a misanthrope, and an open infidel. And so they ran in couples, with mighty little in common. O, rare phenomenon! One day, when Gerard had undermined his health, and taken the bloom off his beauty, and run through most of his money, Vanucci got up a gay party to mount the Tiber in a boat drawn by buffaloes.

But his chere amie pulling his hair for it and the goddess giving him a little kick cotemporaneously, he lay supine; and the peerless creature frisked over his body without deigning him a look, and took her seat at the prow. Pietro Vanucci sat in a sort of collapse, glaring at her, and gaping with his mouth open like a dying cod-fish.