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"She'm sinkin', she'm goin' un'er," the negro yelled. "Be ready, every one, to jump the moment I lay alongside," Houghton shouted. Then he luffed sharply to the wind, dropped his sail; his light craft lost headway, and glided alongside of the sinking boat. "Now jump, all," he cried.

"Dwags kyant stan' spooks nohow," remarked Jute. "I've yeared that," admitted Perkins, looking around for the animal. "Thar he is, un'er yo' baid," said Jute, peeking through the doorway. The miserable man's hair fairly stood up when the brute was discovered stark and dead without a scratch upon him. Recourse was again had to the jug, and oblivion soon followed.

"De bes' ting you kin do, Marse Scoville, is ter shet dat do' an' kep still; den git back ter yo' folks soon ez you kin trabble. We uns got des ez much ez we kin stan' up un'er, en ef dey foun' you yere, hit ud be de worl' comin' ter smash." "If Miss Baron would tell me her trouble, she might find that I am not so powerless to help as I seem.

"It's no mainner o' use mentionin' 't," replied Janet; "for, as ye ken, I'm un'er authority, an' yersel' h'ard my man tell me to tak unco percaution no to lat ye gang; for verily, Angus, ye hae conduckit yersel' this day more like ane possessed wi' a legion, than the douce faimily man 'at ye're supposit by the laird, yer maister, to be."

"See yere, Zany, does you tink Marse Scoville a fool?" "Ob co'se not." "Well, he doan tink me a fool. Whose 'pinion's wuth de mos'? Who took keer on 'im? Who got 'im off safe right un'er de nose ob one ob Mad Whately's sogers? Who brung 'im back des in time ter stop dat ar mar'age en gib we uns freedom? You mighty peart, but you got a heap ter larn 'fo' you cut yo' eye-tooths."

"But you haven't told me what is the matter at Scaurnose," said Malcolm impatiently. "Ow, it's jist this at this same's midsimmer day, an' Blew Peter, honest fallow! he's been for the last three month un'er nottice frae the factor to quit. An' sae, ye see, " "To quit!" exclaimed Malcolm. "Sic a thing was never h'ard tell o'!" "Haith! it's h'ard tell o' noo," returned the gatekeeper.

'Deed there's maist naething ither h'ard tell o' bit quittin'; for the full half o' Scaurnose is un'er like nottice for Michaelmas, an' the Lord kens what it 'll a' en' in!" "But what's it for? Blue Peter's no the man to misbehave himsel'." "Weel, ye ken mair yersel' nor ony ither as to the warst fau't there is to lay till's chairge; for they say that is, some say, it's a' yer ain wyte, Ma'colm."

"Look yere, now, honey," added Aun' Jinkey, wiping her eyes with her apron, "you kin bury sogers all 'bout de cabin ef you wanter. Uncle Lusthah kyant do mo' fer you, honey, ner me, tookin resks ob spooks. Des bury dem sogers, ef you wanter, right un'er my win'er." It was quite natural that the thoughts of Perkins and Mr.

"Gien I was to turn the order the ither gait, wad they min' you or me, div ye think, Maister Crathie?" "Give me that key, and go about your business." "Na, na, sir! What my lord gae me I s' keep for a' the factors atween this an' the Land's En'," returned Malcolm. "An' for lea'in' the place, gien I be na in your service, Maister Crathie, I'm nae un'er your orders. I'll gang whan it shuits me.

Wi' you to tak the half o' 't, I micht stan' up un'er the weicht o' my responsibility! 'I'm takin my share o' that, onygait, daurin to advise ye, Francie! Noo gang, laddie; gang straucht awa and buy the horse. 'I maun rin hame first, to put siller i' my pooch! I s' hand oot o' her gait. 'Gang til my faither for't. I haena a penny, but he has aye plenty!