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"Na," replied she, "I dinna say that; I merely meant that he was an independent man like you, wha, if ye asked him to do it, wouldna refuse on such a ground as the want o' consent o' his wife. Oh, what will my puir faither do? I canna live if he is in sorrow and perplexity." He asked kindly for ye. Ye haena visited him for a lang time.

Her husband then briefly explained the remarkable course of action he designed to pursue. "You must be a braave gal and think none the worse of me. But't is this way: I've broke law, and a month or two, or six, maybe, in gaol have got to be done. Your faither will see to that." "Prison! O, Will! For marryin' me?" "No, but for marryin' you wi'out axin' leave.

An' 'twont be for long, 'cause the man'll come for her mighty soon seemin'ly. Can 'e faace it, the Lard helpin'? Poor Joan's bin kicked out the house by her faither. I do not like en never did. What do 'e say? She doan't count it no sin, mind you, an' doan't look for no reprovin', 'cause the gen'leman have taught her terrible coorious ideas; but 'tis just this: we'm all sinners, eh, Polly?

Tregenza's astonishment, had the fire burning and breakfast ready by the time her stepmother appeared. "Aw jimmery!" Thomasin exclaimed, as Joan came in from the outhouse to find her warming cold hands at the fire, "I couldn't b'lieve my eyes at first an' thot the piskey men had come to do us a turn spite o' what faither sez. You've turned over a leaf seemin'ly.

A masterful bwoy, like his faither before him, wild sometimes an' wayward tu, but not with women-folk. His faither loved in wan plaace awnly. He'll be true to your cheel whatever betides, or I'm a fule." "What's the use of that if he ban't true to himself? No, no, I caan't see a happy ending to the tale however you look at it. Wish I could.

"Come along with me, Joan," answered Uncle Chirgwin, straightening himself and applying his big handkerchief to her face. "God send the man'll be 'longside 'e right soon, as you sez. Till he do come, you shaan't leave me no more. Drift's home for you while you'm pleased to bide theer. An' I'll see your faither presently, though I wish 'twas any other man."

'Faither! he cried, 'I said "deil" to-day; many's the time I said it, and DAMNABLE too, and HELLITSH. I ken they're all right; they're beeblical. But I didna say them beeblically; I said them for sweir words that's the truth of it.

Just a flicker o' purpley fire an' a hunderd pound gone! 'Tis 'nough to make a body rave." The girl flushed, and something of her father's stern look seemed reflected in her face. "He stawl my money. No, I judge his word be truth: he'm no faither o' mine if the blood in the veins do count for anything."

An' us not met since our marriage-day. But you'm cruel, cruel to poor faither." "Say so, an' think so; an' b'lieve all they tell 'e 'gainst your lawful husband; an' gude-bye. If you'm so poor-spirited as to see your man do thicky work, you choosed wrong. Not that 'tis any gert odds. Stop along wi' your faither as you loves so much better 'n me.

But awnly the birds an' the rabbits heard me. An' next day faither turned me out o' his house an' counted me numbered for hell." "Saints be very well, but 'tedn' in 'cordance with what we'm tawld nowadays to pray to any but the Lard direct." He pleaded long and patiently, humbly praying for the religion which had lightened his own road.