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Now a scuffle in a cloud of dust arrested them and the woman, uninfluenced by considerations of sportsmanship, pounced upon Timothy, dragged him from his operations, and, turning to Will, spoke as Martin Grimbal had never heard her speak before. "You, a grawed man, to stand theer an' see that gert wild beast of a bwoy tear this li'l wan like a savage tiger!

"I've stealed away, 'cause I was just burstin' to get sight of 'e again, Joan. Faither's home an' I comed off for a walk, creepin' round here an' hopin' as we'd meet. 'Tis mighty wisht to home now you'm gone, I can tell 'e. I've got a sore head yet along o' you." "G'wan, bwoy! Why should 'e?" "Iss so. 'Twas like this.

He hears fast enough, an' pokes up the black horns of en at the first smell o' prayer. Not but what my Tom's aloft, in the main-top o' paradise. I seed en pass 'pon a black wave wi' a gray foamin' crest. An' the white sawl o' my bwoy went mountin' and mountin' in shape o' a seabird. Men dies hard in salt water, you mind. It plays wi' 'em like a cat wi' a mouse.

An' I licked the bwoy on Pratt's bwoat a fortnight agone. A lot o' men seed me do't. I hopes I'll hit so hard as faither hisself wan day, when I'm grawed. Good-by, sister Joan. I'll see 'e agin when I can, an' bring up a feesh maybe. Doan't say nothin' 'bout me to them at the farm, else it may get back."

"Like him in a way, but more like you," she answered; "more like you than your awn was terrible straange that the living daps o' Will! Ban't it?" Damaris regarded her son and then the child. "He be like very," she admitted. "I see him strong. An' to think he found the bwoy 'pon that identical spot wheer he fust drawed breath himself!" "'Tis a thing of hidden meaning," declared Will.

"You never doubted it?" "Why for should I? Will's truthful as light, whatever else he may be." "You believe as he went 'pon the Moor an' found that bwoy in a roundy-poundy under the gloamin'?" "Ess, I do." "Have'e ever looked at the laddie close?" "Oftentimes so like Will as two peas." "Theer 'tis! The picter of Will! How do'e read that?" "Never tried to. An accident, no more."

And if so be Master Salter's got another bwoy, or if so be he's not, I dunno, it ain't nothin' to I." Jan learned that he had eighteen pence a week for driving the pigs to a wood at some little distance, where they fed on acorns, beech- mast, etc.; for giving them water, keeping them together, and bringing them home at teatime.

"Come in, will 'e, an' ait your food, bwoy. Theer ed'n no call to kick out they boots agin' the pig's 'ouse because I be gwaine to buy new wans for 'e presently." Fired by a word which she had heard from John Barron, that flowers became the house as well as the garden, Joan plucked an early sprig of pink ribe and the first buds of wall-flower before returning to the kitchen.

They regarded their leader fearfully, and there was something more than death in their eyes. "Wheer'm the bwoy Tom? For the love of God, speak, caan't 'e? Why be you all dumb an' glazin' that awful!" cried the woman, knowing the truth before she heard it. Then she listened to the elder Pritchard, who whispered his wife, and so fell into a great convulsion of raving, dry-eyed sorrow. "Oh, my bwoy!

Tregenza was in sorry, snappy case all day. The blow had fallen, and within a fort-night Tom would go to sea. This dismal fact depressed her not a little, and she snuffled over her ironing, and her voice grated worse than usual upon the ear. "He's such a hot-headed twoad of a bwoy. I knaw he'll never get on 'pon the water.