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Eodem temporis puncto, quo haec res argumentata fuit inter militem et tympanistam, disceptabatur ibidem tubicine et uxore sua qui tunc accesserunt, et peregrino praetereunte, restiterunt. Quantus nasus! aeque longus est, ait tubicina, ac tuba. Et ex eodem metallo, ait tubicen, velut sternutamento audias. Tantum abest, respondit illa, quod fistulam dulcedine vincit. Aeneus est, ait tubicen.

With Fulham, Hammersmith shared in the incursion of the Danes in 879, and it is especially mentioned in the Chronicle of Roger de Hoveden that they wintered in the island of Hame, which Faulkner thinks is the ait or island near Chiswick, which, he says, must have considerably decreased in size during the nine centuries that have elapsed.

A genius is one whose nervous power or sensitiveness is largely in excess; as Aristotle has very correctly observed, Men distinguished in philosophy, politics, poetry or art appear to be all of a melancholy temperament. This is doubtless the passage which Cicero has in his mind when he says, as he often does, Aristoteles ait omnes ingeniosos melancholicos esse.

He was as well set as man could be, but hell pursue the pistols, they both missed fire; and thim that did go off hit the wrong men. The same two we can't names boys, won't be the betther of it for some time. We met them, you see, in the mountains, where we wor goin' on a little business. Here's that we may never ait worse mait than mutton!"

Ah, then, it's good luck is yer portion, Rooney. Didn't I think to sit down to me supper in solitood, whin in comes like a vision the frind as was a frind indade to me and the ladies the other day. Come in, come in, sit ye down there; an' ait till yer fit to bust. Och! but it's mesilf is glad this night.

It hasn't fat enough to slide in, much less to swim. It's my belief that the pig as owned it was fed on mahogany-sawdust and steel filin's. There, ait it, an' howld yer tongue. It's good enough for a goold-digger, anyhow."

«Que des particules de la plus extrême ténuité, suspendues dans un liquide, puissent s'agglutiner entr'elles et former des couches verticales, c'est ce que nous avons la preuve en fait dans les albâtres, les agathes, et même dans les crystallizations artificielles. Mais qu'une pierre toute formée, de la grosseur de la tête, se soit arrêtée au milieu d'une parois verticale, et ait attendu l

"Musha!" exclaimed Larry, when he tasted the first spoonful, "I feel exactly as if I had ait nothin' at all yit only goin' to begin!" And with that he and his comrades attacked and consumed the soup until their faces shone again with grease and gladness.

Quoique la ville ait beaucoup de belles églises, la plus remarquable, ainsi que la principale, est celle de Sainte-Sophie, le patriarche se tient, et autres gens comme chanonnes (chanoines). Elle est de forme ronde, située près de la pointe orientale, et formée de trois parties diverses; l'une souterraine, l'autre hors de terre, la troisième supérieure

He had been taking this as his only chance as the above thoughts flashed through his brain; and now came in the value of his old school-day experience, when he had been one of the bravest swimmers of his age. In fact, as he swam on, recollections of the old alder and willow ait in the clear river came back, and he smiled as he turned upon his side and forced his way through the sparkling waters.