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The arches were small, and afford a striking contrast to the later constructions, in which a wide central arch replaced the two central small arches. The quays were just below the bridge. At one end of Ouse Bridge was St. William's Chapel, a beautiful little church, as we know from the fragments of it that remain.

I am the captain of this ship: Captain Brown," was the reply. "Well, see 'ere!" said Huish; "better begin fair! 'E's skipper on deck right enough, but not below. Below, we're all equal, all got a lay in the adventure; when it comes to business I'm as good as 'e; and what I say is, let's go into the 'ouse and have a lush, and talk it over among pals. We've some prime fizz," he said, and winked.

"No; I'm a teetotaller," said the widow. The two gentlemen exchanged glances, and Mr. Kidd, ever of an impulsive nature, resolved to bring matters to a head. "Wot would you do if Joe was to come in 'ere at this door?" he asked. "Scream the house down," said the widow, promptly. "Scream scream the 'ouse down?" said the distressed Mr. Kidd. Mrs. Gibbs nodded.

In the hall, the widow, knowing naught of this, met me with wet eyes crying, "Ah! ah! de 'ouse of de orphelin' is juz blaze' up h-all over h-at once!" and hushed in amazement as the procession entered the gate. P.T.B. Manouvrier, Taxidermist! When the fire was out the owner of that sign went back to his shop and to his work, and his wife sat by him sewing as before.

Lucas, there's your daughter a drinkin' in that public 'ouse, an' if I was you I'd go and fetch her out; for she's got a lot o' money, an' she's treatin' everybody all round. An' Charlie that's 'er 'usband ee come along too, an' between us we got holt on her. An' iver sence we brought her 'ome last night, she set there in that cheer, an' niver a word to nobody!

I beg to lay the 'ouse in Walcot Square, the business, and myself before Miss Summerson for her acceptance." "Very magnanimous indeed, sir," observed my guardian. "Well, sir," replied Mr. Guppy with candour, "my wish is to BE magnanimous. I do not consider that in making this offer to Miss Summerson I am by any means throwing myself away; neither is that the opinion of my friends.

Not that I had really thought so, but because my conversational powers were effectually scattered. 'Dear me! he said, considering. 'The ouse that I am stopping at a sort of a private hotel and boarding ouse, Master Copperfield, near the New River ed will have gone to bed these two hours. 'I am sorry, I returned, 'that there is only one bed here, and that I

"They say I'll be took care of an' looked after. But I don't want to do it, miss. I want to keep my bit of a 'ome if I can, an' be free to come an' go. I'm eighty-three, an' it won't be long. I 'ad a shilling a week from the parish, but they stopped it because they said I ought to go into the 'Ouse." She looked at Betty with a momentarily anxious smile.

There ain't much to make a child 'appy in that 'ouse. Westall, ee's that mad about them poachers over Tudley End; ee's like a wild bull at 'ome. I told Isabella ee'd come to knockin' ov her about some day, though ee did speak so oily when ee wor a courtin'. Now she knows as I kin see a thing or two," said Mrs. Jellison, significantly.

Great was the slaughter, and ample the plunder; and the town, awed and depeopled, submitted to flame and to sword. Then the fleet sailed up the Humber and Ouse, and landed at Richall, not far from York; but Morcar, the Earl of Northumbria, came out with all his forces, all the stout men and tall of the great race of the Anglo-Dane.