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"Well, now, what's your idea?" said Davis, with a sigh. "Fair play!" said Huish. "What's yours?" "The trouble is that I've got none," replied Davis; and wandered for some time in aimless discussion of the difficulties of their path, and useless explanations of his own fiasco. "About done?" said Huish. "I'll dry up right here," replied Davis.

Marcus Huish, who had shown great friendliness and generosity in providing prints for the Sheffield museum, was now proposing to hold an Exhibition of Mr. Ruskin's "Turners" at the Fine Art Galleries in New Bond Street, it was necessary to arrange the exhibits and to prepare the catalogue.

"Well, you'll never get no more of it that's one thing," said Davis gravely. "'Ere, wot's wrong with you, Dyvis? Coppers 'ot? Well, look at me! I ain't grumpy," said Huish; "I'm as plyful as a canary-bird, I am." "Yes," said Davis, "you're playful; I own that; and you were playful last night, I believe, and a damned fine performance you made of it." "'Allo!" said Huish. "'Ow's this?

"Now, if you'll excuse me 'alf a second," said Huish, "I'll go and fetch the byby." "The baby?" said Davis. "What's that?" "Fragile. With care. This side up," replied the clerk with a wink, as he disappeared. He returned, smiling to himself, and carrying in his hand a silk handkerchief. The long stupid wrinkles ran up Davis's brow as he saw it. What should it contain?

'Well, you must be a fool, said he, and he leaned his head upon his knees. The captain stood biting his hands. 'There's one thing sure, he said at last. 'I must get Huish out of that. HE'S not fit to hold his end up with a man like you describe. And he turned to go away. The words had been quite simple; not so the tone; and the other was quick to catch it. 'Davis! he cried, 'no! Don't do it.

'Now you walk straight, said the captain, clutching him, 'or I'll know why not! ''S lose my ciga', replied Huish. The captain's contained fury blazed up for a moment. He twisted Huish round, grasped him by the neck of the coat, ran him in front of him to the pier end, and flung him savagely forward on his face.

'No folk-lore about Mr Whish I beg your pardon, captain: Huish not Whish, of course, said Attwater. As the boy was filling Huish's glass, the bottle escaped from his hand and was shattered, and the wine spilt on the verandah floor.

It was all very lush and generous and cool, no doubt, in summer; but when the rain that drove in from the Channel glistened on the hung slates and dripped incessantly from myriads of shining leaves, the Rector of Lapton Huish might as well have been living in a tropical swamp.

Why, before he came on board, there was the name painted out, and he saw the whole thing. He made sure we would kill him there and then, and stood guying you and Huish on the chance. He calls that being frightened! Next he had me ashore; a fine time I had! THE TWO WOLVES, he calls you and Huish.

'This'll burn to the bone; you'll see it smoke upon 'im like 'ell fire! One drop upon 'is bloomin' heyesight, and I'll trouble you for Attwater! 'No, no, by God! exclaimed the captain. 'Now, see 'ere, ducky, said Huish, 'this is my bean feast, I believe? I'm goin' up to that man single-'anded, I am. 'E's about seven foot high, and I'm five foot one.