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Information of this exemption reached the custom-house of this city, and its special judge, Don Juan Jose de Ciga y Linage, stationed officers on the route for safety.

As they vanished through the doorway the people gave them a hearty cheer, and resumed dancing. The sportsman found himself so much overcome that he could only ejaculate, "aw!" But presently he recovered so far as to say, "Let's go an' have a ciga'," and he also melted from the scene. Two conversations took place shortly after the scene in the ballroom, and to these we now draw attention.

Some of them might have already ducked below it from the rear, and be drawing a bead upon him at that moment from the low-browed crypt, the receptacle of empty bottles and broken crockery. "Huish," he said, "come along." "'S lose my ciga'," said Huish, reaching vaguely forward. The captain let out a rasping oath. "Come right along here," said he. "'S all righ'. Sleep here 'th Atty-Attwa.

"Now you walk straight," said the captain, clutching him, "or I'll know why not!" "'S lose my ciga'," replied Huish. The captain's contained fury blazed up for a moment. He twisted Huish round, grasped him by the neck of the coat, ran him in front of him to the pier-end, and flung him savagely forward on his face.

Some of them might have already ducked below it from the rear, and be drawing a bead upon him at that moment from the low-browed crypt, the receptacle of empty bottles and broken crockery. 'Huish, he said, 'come along. ''S lose my ciga', said Huish, reaching vaguely forward. The captain let out a rasping oath. 'Come right along here, said he. ''S all righ'. Sleep here 'th Atty-Attwa.

'Now you walk straight, said the captain, clutching him, 'or I'll know why not! ''S lose my ciga', replied Huish. The captain's contained fury blazed up for a moment. He twisted Huish round, grasped him by the neck of the coat, ran him in front of him to the pier end, and flung him savagely forward on his face.