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He must not allow himself to be overwhelmed. Nevertheless, there came presently a moment which brought with it a sense of fear. Hermione got up to go into the house. "I must see what Lucrezia is doing," she said. "Your collazione must not be a fiasco, Emile." "Nothing could be a fiasco here, I think," he answered. She laughed happily. "But poor Lucrezia is not in paradise," she said.

She was unwilling to tell Pelle, because he had once advised her against it; but all at once she gave in completely. "You mustn't laugh at me!" she sobbed, hiding her face on his shoulder. Pelle attempted to comfort her, but it was not so easily done. It was not the one misfortune but the whole fiasco that had upset her so; she had promised herself so much from her great plan.

She was dazed by sheer nervous terror, and stood there with her hands tightly clasped together, her body rigid and taut with misery. Baroni was nearly demented. If she should fail to regain her nerve the whole concert would he a disastrous fiasco.

The grounds that were laid out as pretty gardens were, many years later, used for a plantation of mulberries, a foreign speculation which was to enrich the King and the country, but which turned out instead a huge fiasco. The mulberry trees are still there, as you may see.

The attempts of the English Government to manufacture an English general in the South African war were a miserable fiasco. They only produced one, Sir Charles Tucker, and he did his best to atone for the accident of his English birth by marrying a Kerry lady.

Laws were passed for the purpose of enabling the policy-holders to select their trustees, but the only result has been a ridiculous and rather expensive fiasco. As in politics, the rank and file select the managers selected for them by a few men who understand the situation.

At any rate, he could not foresee that, far from bringing him distinction, the task would shortly end, as Sir John Macdonald described it, in an inglorious fiasco. At this time, it should be remembered, the actual conditions in the West were but vaguely known in Canada.

"I never saw a man so little elated by good fortune in my life," said Mr Optimist. "Ah, he's got something on his mind," said Butterwell. "He's going to be married, I believe." "If that's the case, it's no wonder he shouldn't be elated," said Major Fiasco, who was himself a bachelor.

Afterwards he removed to Paris, where in 1860 he gave some concerts; in the same year the score of Tristan was issued; next year came the Tannhäuser fiasco at the opera, and later he heard Lohengrin, in Vienna, for the first time; next he stayed for a while at Biebrich, and finally settled in Vienna.

But it will indeed change all things for me if you do but come. Then I shall have some one to speak with some one with whom to laugh at their pitiful Court mummery, their fiasco of dignity. You are not like these other beggarly Scots, my Lord Duke of Touraine." "They are brave men and loyal gentlemen," said the generous young Earl. "They would die for me."