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It was no less impossible to have assisted at the scene between Huish and the captain, and not to perceive, with sudden bluntness, the gulf where he had fallen. He was a thief among thieves. He said it to himself. He could not touch the soup. If he had moved at all, it must have been to leave the table, throw himself overboard, and drown an honest man.

Why, it seems almost worth it in itself; to a man fond of wine. The ambiguous words struck home to guilty consciences, and Huish and the captain sat up in their places and regarded him with a scare. 'Worth what? said Davis. 'A hundred and twelve shillings, replied Attwater. The captain breathed hard for a moment.

Davis sat like one bemused; it might even have been doubted if he heard, but the voice of the clerk rang about the cabin like that of a cormorant among the ledges of the cliff. 'That will do, Huish, said Herrick. 'Oh, so you tyke his part, do you? you stuck-up sneerin' snob! Tyke it then. Come on, the pair of you. But as for John Dyvis, let him look out!

'I'll bring the 'ulkin' bully to grass. He's 'ad his larks out of me; I'm goin' to 'ave my lark out of 'im, and a good lark too! 'What is it? said the captain, almost in a whisper. 'Sure you want to know? asked Huish. Davis rose and took a turn in the house. 'Yes, I want to know, he said at last with an effort.

"All clear forward?" asked Davis. "All clear, sir." "Hard a-lee!" cried the captain. "Haul in your slack as she comes," he called to Huish. "Haul in your slack, put your back into it; keep your feet out of the coils." A sudden blow sent Huish flat along the deck, and the captain was in his place. "Pick yourself up and keep the wheel hard over!" he roared.

"Golly!" said Huish. "It's rather in the conditional mood," said Herrick. "It's anything you please," cried Davis, "only there it is! That's our place, and don't you make any mistake." "'Which from private interests would remain unknown," read Herrick, over his shoulder. "What may that mean?" "It should mean pearls," said Davis. "A pearling island the Government don't know about.

About midway of the pass, there was a cry and a scurry, a man was seen to leap upon the rail, and, throwing his arms over his head, to stoop and plunge into the sea. 'Steady as she goes, the captain cried, relinquishing the wheel to Huish. The next moment he was forward in the midst of the Kanakas, belaying pin in hand.

Go boar' t'morr'," replied the festive one. "If you don't come, and come now, by the living God, I'll shoot you!" cried the captain. It is not to be supposed that the sense of these words in any way penetrated to the mind of Huish; rather that, in a fresh attempt upon the cigar, he overbalanced himself and came flying erratically forward: a course which brought him within reach of Davis.

Hayward, c Wooley, b Carr ....... 67 Hobbs, run out ................... 0 Hayes, st Huish, b Fielder ...... 12 Ducat, b Fielder ................ 33 Harrison, not out ............... 11 Sandham, not out ................. 6 Extras .......................... 10 Bayliss inspected the cipher gravely. "What is it you wish me to explain, sir?" "Why, the whole thing. What's it all about?"

Attwater said a word in the native, his eye still undeviatingly fixed on the captain; and the servant thrust Huish smartly forward from the brink of the stair. With an extraordinary simultaneous dispersion of his members, that gentleman bounded forth into space, struck the earth, ricocheted, and brought up with his arms about a palm.