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I guess you know," he said, with imperious solemnity, "I guess you know the bottom is out of this Farallone speculation? I guess you know it's right out? and if this old island hadn't been turned up right when it did, I guess you know where you and I and Huish would have been?" "Yes, I know that," said Herrick. "No matter who's to blame, I know it. And what next?"

Two of his companions observed him narrowly, Attwater with raking, sidelong glances that did not interrupt his talk, the captain with a heavy and anxious consideration. 'Well, I must say this sherry is a really prime article, said Huish. ''Ow much does it stand you in, if it's a fair question?

How he would regret it, if he knew you had been here!" said Attwater. "'E's on the Trinity 'All, ain't he?" asked Huish. "And if you could tell me where the Trinity 'All was, you would confer a favour, Mr. Whish!" was the reply. "I suppose she has a native crew?" said Davis. "Since the secret has been kept ten years, one would suppose she had," replied Attwater. "Well, now, see 'ere!" said Huish.

"My friend's name is Huish and not Whish, sir," said the captain, with a flush. "I beg your pardon, I am sure. Huish and not Whish; certainly," said Attwater. "I was about to say that I have still eight dozen," he added, fixing the captain with his eye. "Eight dozen what?" said Davis. "Sherry," was the reply. "Eight dozen excellent sherry.

"You'll 'ear my idea soon enough. Wyte till I pour some cham on my 'ot coppers." He drank a glass off, and affected to listen. "'Ark!" said he, "'ear it fizz. Like 'am frying, I declyre. 'Ave a glass, do, and look sociable." "No!" said the captain, with emphasis; "no, I will not! there's business." "You p'ys your money and you tykes your choice, my little man," returned Huish.

"She was the fastest barque out of Portland, Maine," replied the captain; "and for the way I lost her, I might as well have bored a hole in her side with an auger." "O, you lost her, did you?" said the clerk. "'Ope she was insured?" No answer being returned to this sally, Huish, still brimming over with vanity and conversation, struck into another subject.

'I ain't wedded to this, if you think I am; I ain't ambitious; I don't make a point of playin' the lead; I offer to, that's all, and if you can't show me better, by Gawd, I'm goin' to! 'Then the risk! cried Davis. 'If you ast me straight, I should say it was a case of seven to one and no takers, said Huish. 'But that's my look-out, ducky, and I'm gyme, that's wot I am: gyme all through.

A shock of repulsion struck and shook the captain; a scream rose almost to his lips; had he uttered it, he might have cast himself at the same moment on the body of Huish, might have picked him up, and flung him down, and wiped the cabin with him, in a frenzy of cruelty that seemed half moral. But the moment passed; and the abortive crisis left the man weaker.

Some of them might have already ducked below it from the rear, and be drawing a bead upon him at that moment from the low-browed crypt, the receptacle of empty bottles and broken crockery. "Huish," he said, "come along." "'S lose my ciga'," said Huish, reaching vaguely forward. The captain let out a rasping oath. "Come right along here," said he. "'S all righ'. Sleep here 'th Atty-Attwa.

'It's the happlication of science, I suppose? sneered Huish. 'I don't know what it is, cried Davis, pacing the floor; 'it's there! I draw the line at it. I can't put a finger to no such piggishness. It's too damned hateful! 'And I suppose it's all your fancy pynted it, said Huish, 'w'en you take a pistol and a bit o' lead, and copse a man's brains all over him? No accountin' for tystes.