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He then descended carefully from the chair, and held the uncorked bottle under her nose, for a corroborative sniff. It was about half full of brandy. Satisfied, he knelt as before, now trying, however, to force Pa's teeth apart, and rubbing some of the brandy upon the parted lips. "This'll do it!" Alf cheerfully and reassuringly cried. "Half a tick. I'll get some water to wet his head again."

Neither Leo nor Benjy had seen him since they parted, a quarter of an hour after starting, and both had expected to find him in camp, but Butterface had seen him. "Sawd him runnin'," said the sable steward, "runnin' like a mad kangaroo arter a smallish brute like a mouse. Nebber sawd nuffin' like Massa Alf for runnin'."

"How can I tell you that?" ses George Hat-chard. "'If I'd known 'ow, it wouldn't 'ave been an accident, would it?" "Don't you want to marry her?" ses Alf, at last. "You needn't marry 'er if you don't want to." George Hatchard looked at 'im and sniffed. "When you know her as well as I do you won't talk so foolish," he ses. "We'd better go down now, else she'll think we've been talking about 'er."

As he expanded his chest Reade looked a good deal more like some Greek god of old than a twentieth century civil engineer. Alf puffed and squirmed in his efforts to show "some chest." "That isn't the right way," Tom informed him. "Breathe deeply and steadily. Draw in your stomach and expand your chest. Fill up the upper part of your lungs with air. Watch! Right here at the top of the chest."

That was how an impartial Scotland Yard would be compelled to describe him, if ever he got lost. 'Missing. A great, ugly, red-faced copper with big feet and a broken nose. They would never find him otherwise. 'Perhaps you object to my walking out with Alf? Perhaps you've got something against him? I suppose you're jealous! She threw in the last suggestion entirely in a sporting spirit.

And the over-worked Surgeon hurried away to where loud groans were imperatively calling for his helpful ministrations. Si and Harry broke down a thick layer of cedar branches to make a comfortable bed for Gid, placed a chunk under his head, and hurried away again to search for Alf Russell.

If Alf and I hadn't been hedged close up, we should have lost a pot of money." "I'm very sorry," said Durfy. "You see, another telegram came after the one I showed you, that I never saw; that's how it happened. I really did my best for you." "But it's a bad job, if we pay you to get hold of the Rocket's telegrams and then lose our money over it," said Mr Medlock.

All eyes were immediately turned toward Sally Johnson, who was seated near Sarn. "I speck I see somebody blush at dat remark," said Alfred. "Pass dem pancakes and molasses up dis way, Mr. Alf, and none of your insinawaysion here," rejoined Sam. "Dat reminds me," said Currer, "dat Doreas Simpson is gwine to git married." "Who to, I want to know?" inquired Peter. "To one of Mr.

"Oh, no," Tom contradicted him. "The use of cigarettes isn't smoking. It's just mere freshness on the part of a small boy. But smoking -that's a different matter, as you've found out. Now, Alf, I hope you've learned a needed lesson, and that after this you'll let tobacco alone. While you're about it you might as well quit cigarettes, too. But I'm going to change your job.

Meanwhile I am strongly of opinion that this is the last ice-barrier we shall meet with on our way to the Pole." "Is there not some tradition of a mild climate in the furthest north among the Eskimos?" asked Alf. "Of course there is.