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It's like a fine fine veil or web they have all over the skin, fine like what do you call it gossamer, and they're always spinning it out of them, fine as anything, like rainbow colours without knowing it. Clings to everything she takes off. Vamp of her stockings. Warm shoe. Stays. Drawers: little kick, taking them off. Byby till next time. Also the cat likes to sniff in her shift on the bed.

We'll bury you in our shrubbery jakes where you'll be dead and dirty with old Cuck Cohen, my stepnephew I married, the bloody old gouty procurator and sodomite with a crick in his neck, and my other ten or eleven husbands, whatever the buggers' names were, suffocated in the one cesspool. Byby, Papli! Memory! I have sinned! I have suff... Crocodile tears! The passing bell is heard.

'One thing: this explains the Kanaka crew. If you're going to lose a ship, I would ask no better myself than a Kanaka crew. But there's one thing it don't explain; it don't explain why she came down Tahiti ways. 'Wy, to lose her, you byby! said Huish. 'A lot you know, said the captain. 'Nobody wants to lose a schooner; they want to lose her ON HER COURSE, you skeericks!

An' e's beat 'is pore 'art to bloody rags agynst it d'y after d'y, an' night after night! I seen it, I tell you!" she shrilled "I seen it wiv me own eyes! You pretty, silly kid! Don't you know wot 'arm you're doing? You crooil byby! do you reckon Gawd gave you the man to torture an' break an' spoil?" A hand, imperatively clapped over the mouth of Mrs.

"Now, if you'll excuse me 'alf a second," said Huish, "I'll go and fetch the byby." "The baby?" said Davis. "What's that?" "Fragile. With care. This side up," replied the clerk with a wink, as he disappeared. He returned, smiling to himself, and carrying in his hand a silk handkerchief. The long stupid wrinkles ran up Davis's brow as he saw it. What should it contain?

'Come with me to Canning Town come with me to Bromley come to Poplar and to Bow. No, you won't even think about the over-worked women and the underfed children, and the 'ovels they live in. And you want that we shouldn't think neither 'We'll do the thinkin'. You go 'ome and nuss the byby. 'I do nurse my byby; I've nursed seven. What have you done for yours? She waited in vain for the answer.

"One thing: this explains the Kanaka crew. If you're going to lose a ship, I would ask no better myself than a Kanaka crew. But there's one thing it don't explain; it don't explain why she came down Tahitiways." "W'y, to lose her, you byby!" said Huish. "A lot you know," said the captain. "Nobody wants to lose a schooner; they want to lose her on her course, you skeericks!

Give my love to mummy and to yourself a big kiss and thanks. I hear them at the piano downstairs. There is to be a concert in the Greville Arms on Saturday. Tell him silly Milly sends my best respects. I must now close with fondest love Your fond daughter, MILLY. P. S. Excuse bad writing am in hurry. Byby. Fifteen yesterday. Curious, fifteenth of the month too. Her first birthday away from home.

Later, in front of the hotel a cabman that I hailed said to me "Are you gowing far, sir? I've got a byby here, and want to giv'er a bit of a blough." This impressed me as being probably a quotation from an early Egyptian poet, but I learned soon enough that the word "byby" was the name of some kind or condition of horse.

"This'll never do," exclaimed Davis, the merchant seaman's horror of breaking into cargo showing incongruously forth on board that stolen ship. "There was never any good came of games like that." "You byby!" said Huish. And look 'ere, you've put this job up 'ansomely for me, 'aven't you?