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"He explained that the fact I suppose it is a fact would safeguard you from the malice of an ex-coryphée. Indeed, he put it more brutally. He spoke of the 'slanderous malice of an ex-chorus girl. The English term sounds a trifle harsher than the French, don't you think?" It began to dawn on Helen that Mrs. de la Vere's friendliness might have a somewhat sordid foundation.

It is impossible to show more cordiality and friendliness than the King of Saxony displayed. The Emperor said of him and his family that they were a patriarchal family, and that all who comprised it joined to striking virtues an expansive kindness of manner which made them adored by their subjects.

He was ashamed of his hastiness and the sudden outburst of friendliness which had followed it.

The mood of the moment was friendliness to Americans. Germany wished to create the impression on the outside world through the agency of the neutral press that she was in | danger of starving, whilst she amassed munitions for her summer campaign and the Allies were lulled into confidence of siege by famine rather than by arms.

"You, Roger Hawkshaw, have told us everything with frankness. We feel that every word you have spoken is true, and that you have a real feeling of friendliness towards us, and that your sympathies are with us, rather than with the people of this other white nation. But others would not see it so. Even as it is, there is sure to be a party against you.

These literary treasures were found at Springfield twenty miles from New Salem, whither Lincoln went on foot many a time to borrow books. His subsistence, after the failure of Berry & Lincoln, was derived from the friendliness of the County Surveyor Calhoun, who was a Democrat, while Lincoln called himself a Whig. Calhoun offered him the post of assistant.

"I'll ask the girls; may be they will know," said Ben to himself as, after looking vainly for more stray leaves, he trudged on, enjoying the bobolink's song, the warm sunshine, and a comfortable sense of friendliness and safety, which soon set him to whistling as gayly as any blackbird in the meadow.

His friendliness, good-cheer and enthusiasm were contagious. The place was prosperous. Just here let us make a digression and inspect the peculiar conditions of the time. It was a period of transition the old was dying, the new was being born. Both experiences were painful. There was a rapid displacement of hand labor. One machine did the work of ten or more persons.

Speaking seldom, yet feeling no consciousness of silence, no sense of restraint, for they no longer seemed like strangers to one another, and this spontaneous friendliness lent an indefinable charm to the dusky walk. Warwick found satisfaction in the knowledge of her innocent faith in him, the touch of the little hand he held, the sight of the quiet figure at his side.

The Sergeant Major and the policeman lacked the friendliness of the privates, and the former began the conversation by saying, "England ist kaputt." The Sergeant Major repeated his statement, with greater emphasis, and I put more emphasis on my reply, and there we stuck! It did not seem that we could get any farther. It seemed a place to say, "Time will tell."