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You tell Will that Jan Grimbal be about building a braave plaace up under Whiddon, and is looking for a wife at Monks Barton morning, noon, an' evening. That's like to waken him. An' tell him the miller's on t'other side, and clacking Jan Grimbal into Phoebe's ear steadier than the noise of his awn water-wheel." "And she will grow weak, mark me.

"I seed en cast forth a net, same as us does for macker'l, but 'twas sawls, not feesh, they dragged in the bwoat; but braave an' few of 'em. The devil's nets was the full wans, 'cause " At this moment Thomasin came in, saw a man by Mr. Tregenza, but did not realize who had returned until she struck a light.

'Most all the hay's done, an' half what's left a load or so I'd promised to a chap out Manaton way. But theer't is my hand be forced, that's all. So time's saved, if you look at it from a right point." "You'm hard an' braave, an' you've got a way with you 'mong men. Faace life, same as faither did, an' us'll look arter Phoebe an' the childer," said Chris.

When he reached the Braave, instead of being absent ten minutes, or a quarter of an hour at the utmost, which would have afforded him ample time to do all that was necessary, the whole five of them vanished from sight, and were not again seen until, after the lapse of a full hour or more, they once more showed themselves on the deck of the derelict, passing a quantity of things down her side into the boat.

"I've downed Matthew Bent, Joan! Ten fair rounds, then he gived up." "Fight, fight, fight 'tis all you think of," said his parent, while Joan poured congratulations on the conqueror. "'Tweer bound to come arter the football, when he played foul, an' I tawld en so. Now, we'm friends." "Be he bruised same as you?" "A sight worse; he's a braave picksher, I tell 'e!

In a flash my thoughts reverted to the Braave, the Dutch barque that we had fallen in with a week ago, with her cargo plundered and her murdered crew cumbering her decks; and I sang out for Tudsbery to come aft, that individual being at the moment busy upon some job on the forecastle, as was frequently the case during his watch, if I happened to be on the poop.

I saw that the vessel was a craft of probably a trifle over three hundred tons, her hull painted green, from her rail down to her zinc sheathing. She was lying in such a position that the Mercury was broad on her port bow, and my first glimpse of her showed that she carried a name upon her head-boards, which name, after a while, I made out to be Braave. She was, therefore, doubtless Dutch.

Tregenza's troubles to last some time, and turned with pleasure to Joan as she entered. So hearty indeed was the greeting and a kiss which accompanied it that his niece felt the displeasure which her uncle had recorded by post upon the occasion of her engagement to Mary Chirgwin's former sweetheart existed no more. "My ivers! a braave, bowerly maid you'm grawin', sure 'nough!

"The airth be damn near drowned, an' the air's thick like a washin'-day everywheers, an' a terrible braave sight o' rain unshed in the elements yet." "'T will pass, sure as Noah seed a rainbow." "Ess, 't will pass; but Monks Barton's like to be washed to Fingle Bridge fust. Oceans o' work waitin', but what can us be at? Theer ban't a bit o' land you couldn't most swim across."

You've been treated ill, an' I'm cryin' that such a gude gude, braave, big-hearted man as you, should be brought to this for a fule of a gal like me. I ban't worthy a handshake from 'e, or a kind word. An' an' Clem Hicks Clem be tokened to me these two year an' more. He'm the best man in the world; an' I hate un for not tellin' 'e an' an' "