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It was run out of danger before the man was downed, and then it was too late to make good the loss. Tom groaned in anguish, and for one wild moment he felt like accusing Sam openly. "No, that would never do," he reasoned. "They would all say I did it for spite, and because he gave that information against me. I've got to grin and bear it."

His wife nodded her acquiescence with the plan proposed. "Ellis, can you handle those two big trunks alone?" "Yes, Guv'nor. I'm a leetle bit heavier built than Abbott." Quincy drew Alice's attention to the Eagle Hotel. "There's where we hatched the plot that downed Mr. Obadiah Strout, when he was an enemy of mine.

Fred's temper was up, for Dick had struck him on the nose, bringing blood. "Now we'll give 'em the rope treatment," laughed Ripley, hoarsely, when Dick and his chums had all been downed and were being held. First a noose was slipped over Dick's wrists, and made fast. Dave was the next so favored. Tom and Harry rapidly shared that fate.

Oh, I guess she comforted him quite some." M'Ginnis stared before him, worrying his nails with sharp white teeth. "Ravenslee's a well man again, I hear, an' they're honeymoonin' at his place on the Hudson devotion ain't the word, Bud! 'S funny," said Soapy, "but th' bullet as downed this guy drove Hermy into his arms. 'S funny, ain't it, Bud?"

Late in the afternoon two of the air birds wanted to get down a little closer, undoubtedly to satisfy themselves as to how the work of destruction had progressed, and one of our little observation planes gave battle to the visitors, engaging the nearest one first. His companion bird made for ours, but before he could get underneath to do anything, the first German bird had been winged and downed.

He had a wrestling bout with Harold Macauley the other day and downed him. He got a black eye, but that didn't count, though you may not like to hear of it. He is heavier than when you saw him Oh, I've said that! Miss Mathewson, when you see I'm repeating myself, hold me up." "I can't always tell when you're going to repeat yourself," Miss Mathewson objected. "That's enough about Bob, anyhow. Mrs.

For, like all weak men of a vivid fancy, he was constantly framing dramas of which he was the towering lord. The weakling who never "downed" men in reality was always "downing" them in thought. His imaginary triumphs consoled him for his actual rebuffs. As he walked in a tipsy dream, he was "standing up" to somebody, hurling his father's phrases at him, making short work of him!

After dinner, while we were drinking to Mose's health and smoking cigars, Judge Smith requested me to show our honored guest the baby ticket. I did, and downed him for a bottle, but it did not cost him a cent, for his Queen City money was no good in the Crescent City so long as he remained with the Judge, for they were kindred spirits.

And I can bear that." "He's top dog again, you see," said Frances, not without a secret satisfaction. "Oh, is he?" said Anthony. "I don't propose to be downed by Nicky." Every instinct in him revolted against spanking Nicky.

It was a superb exhibition of nerve in the face of almost certain defeat and showed a spirit that would not be downed, and I have often thought of this game in different far-off parts of the world. While Yale finally won 20-10 still Billy showed the same spirit that Farragut showed when told that the river was filled with torpedoes and that it would be suicidal to proceed.