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With all her might she crowds all sail off shore; in so doing, fights 'gainst the very winds that fain would blow her homeward; seeks all the lashed sea's landlessness again; for refuge's sake forlornly rushing into peril; her only friend her bitterest foe! Know ye now, Bulkington?

What matter for a little honest mud, prithee?" "Why 'tis mud! And slimy under foot! And I love not mud! So will I none of the shallows!" "Then verily must I chide thee, Fidelis, for " "Then verily will I unto yon boskage, messire, to prepare us a fire 'gainst the 'beasts that raven, and our bracken beds. Howbeit, bathe me I will not, messire!"

"You know who we are two of the royal pages." "Can't pass," said the man sternly. "But we must," said Frank, in an agonised whisper. "Here, take this." "Can't pass," said the man; "'gainst orders. You must come to the guardroom." But he took the coin Frank handed to him, and slipped it into his pocket. "We want to go to the meeting the fight," whispered Andrew now.

When he entered, he found her, with her hair dishevelled and spread over the tomb, weeping and repeating the following verses: Indeed, I'm very patient 'gainst all that can betide; Yet do I lack of patience thine absence to abide. Who is there can have patience after his friend and who Bows not the head to parting, that comes with rapid stride?

No cause in which I had the slightest personal interest should have made me use my pen 'gainst them, blunt or pointed as it may be.

But look you, Jacob, there's sometimes a current 'gainst a man that no one can make head against; and if so be that should be your case for a time, recollect the old house, the old woman, and old Tom, and there you'll always find a hearty welcome, and a hearty old couple who'll share with you what they have, be it good, bad, or indifferent.

To the last, she looked after "the worthy poor," and carried flowers once a year to the grave of the gallant Captain Reynolds at Highgate, and never tired of sounding the praises of Charles and excusing the foibles of Coleridge. She lived only in the past, and its loving memories were more than a ballast 'gainst the ills of the present.

"Might 'a' been she was queer any way sending off to the city for white silk gowns, 'n' things to wear in that old rack of boards, jus' because she was bein' courted. Most would 'a' kep' the money 'gainst their fittin' out. I guess that was all there was, jus' a little triflin', 'n' she took it in earnest.

Ha, ha, gods and kings; fill high, one and all; Drink, drink! shout and drink! mad respond to the call! Fill fast, and fill frill; 'gainst the goblet ne'er sin; Quaff there, at high tide, to the uttermost rim: Flood-tide, and soul-tide to the brim! Who with wine in him fears? who thinks of his cares? Who sighs to be wise, when wine in him flares?

Every gift the gods could bestow to the full equipment of the interpreter, the actor, the master, was his. 'He was a man, take him for all in all, We shall not look upon his like again. Many moons will wax and wane before from other lips, as from his, will fall: 'Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst self-slaughter.