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Camp was standing close beside Miss Jenrys, making note of her beauty, and taking in the points of her toilet with appreciative eyes, while her tongue wagged on vigorously. She had taken up her story of her husband's 'quittin' of Midway. 'He hadn't never no notion of dancin', she declared, 'and never took a step in his life not to music, that is.

"I'll make him why, damn him, I'll " "You're carryin' on awful," observed Ferguson dryly. "But you ain't doin' any good." He leaned closer to Stafford. "I'm quittin' my job right now," he said. Stafford leaned back in his chair, surprised into silence. For an instant he glared at the stray-man, and then his lips curled scornfully.

Anyway, do the things you can do, and don't kick because you can't do more. The trail I know. Gold I know. The Yukon I know. Then what's the use in quittin' it fer something I don't know, and don't care a cuss for anyway?" This was the man, simple, direct. Wealth meant nothing to him. It was there. It sometimes seemed like snowing him under. He couldn't help it. Life was all he wanted.

McLagan shrugged. "Guess I don't want wimmin-folk in mine. You're goin' to hold your job?" "Sure. You see, boss " Jim began to explain. But McLagan broke in. "You can have it for rent, boy," he said. "It suits me, if you don't mean quittin'." "I don't mean quitting," said Jim. "I'm going to run it with a hired man. Y'see I've got one hundred and fifty stock and a bit saved for building.

Burton and the elderly aunt busied themselves over the stove and the father napped restlessly, the sleeping thing that had not heretofore given warning was ripening for its outburst. When the evening meal was finished and the family sat listening to the stranger's talk, Thomas Burton suddenly demanded: "Are they still quittin' over your way?" Young Edwardes nodded.

"So you're quittin'," he sneered; "scared plum out because you seen a man put out of business! I reckon Leviatt wasn't far wrong when he said " "I wouldn't say a lot," interrupted Ferguson coldly. "I ain't admittin' that I'm any scared. An' I ain't carin' a heap because Leviatt's been gassin' to you. But I'm quittin' the job you give me. Ben Radford ain't the man who's been rustlin' your cattle.

"'What's the use of quittin', says he, 'while there's bait left and the fish are bitin'? Why not keep her goin' through September and October? Two or three ads MY ads in the papers, hintin' that the ducks and wild geese are beginnin' to keep the boarders awake by roostin' in the back yard and hollerin' at night two or three of them, and we'll have gunners here by the regiment.

An' my work, lately, has been all sorts, not leavin' me any time for little jobs of my own. An' I want to quit." "Wade, you've clashed with Jack!" exclaimed the rancher, jerking erect. "Nothin' of the kind. Jack an' me haven't had words a good while. I'm not denyin' we might, an' probably would clash sooner or later. But that's not my reason for quittin'."

I figured, the way they had throwed it into you, you'd probably want to beat it soon as you got out, and I was afraid to overwork the motor and maybe have to wait while I sent to Los Angeles for new parts. It was time to quit while the quittin' was good, bo. Here's your money all except what I spent for gas and oil and a few tools and one thing and another.

He had seen the master and crew laughing while the fire mounted. Tedge came to him. "We're quittin' ship," he growled. "Yes, but the cattle " The other looked stupefiedly at him. "We got to pull inside afore the sea comes up " "Well, break the pens, can't you? Give 'em a chance to swim for a bar. I'm a cowman myself I cain't let dumb brutes burn and not lift a hand "