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"Ladies, I ain't denyin' that then Monty Price was some scairt. Fust time in my life! But the trustin' face of thet boo-tiful gurl, as she lay in my arms an' hugged me an' yelled, made my spirit leap like a shootin' star. I just began to jump from buffalo to buffalo. I must hev jumped a mile of them bobbin' backs before I come to open places.

Elisha, no denyin' that, and the right of all the fam'ly; so we've agreed to have it done afore all together, in the lawful way, Mr. Stacy bein' a lawyer; but dinner first, if you please, for eatin' 's good both for grief and cur'osity, and it's hard tellin' which is uppermost in this case. Gilbert, come here!" He was standing alone, beside the paling. He obeyed her call.

"It duz hev a squint toward it, theer ain't no denyin'. But I reckon it wuz baound ter come, vote ay or vote nay. Fer nigh three months all the young fellers hev been drillin' pooty reg'lar." "Oh!" spoke up Janice. "Then that 's what Charles meant when he said 't was drill took him to the village." "What?" demanded the squire. "My bond-servant?" "Ay. 'T is he duz the trainin', so Phil tells me."

His boy had been the one that was saved. Yes, saved from death, saved from worse than death, saved to carry out the resolutions he had made while struggling in the icy river that Christmas morning. "Dear, dear! but God's ways are wonderful, there's no denyin' that.

The Lord pity them an' relieve them!" "Amen, amen, Jemmy! Well, Jemmy, can I do any thing for you? But Jemmy, in regard to that, the thruth is, we have brought all these scourges on us by our sins and our transgressions; thim that sins, Jemmy, must suffer." "There's no one denyin' it, Darby; but you're axin' me can you do any thing for me, an' my answer to that is, you can, if you like." "Ah!

Which you-all is a mighty sight to one side of bein' perfect yourse'f, Dan, an' yet we don't go 'round breakin' the information off in you every tinic you makes a queer play. An' you must b'ar with Cape, an' them caprices of his. "'I ain't denyin' nothin', declar's Dan.

"I didn't intend to shoot you," panted Mescal. "Naab, if this's your Mormon kind of wife excuse me! Though I ain't denyin' she's the sassiest an' sweetest little cat I ever seen!" "We Mormons don't talk about our women or hear any talk," returned Snap, a dancing fury in his pale eyes. "You're from Nebraska?"

"He seemed a bit queer, no doubt, and kept laughin' at nothin'; but I've knowed lots o' queer people as had more sense than them as wasn't queer, and there's no denyin' as he's knowledgeable in sheep." The result was that Toller was forthwith appointed as an understudy to Snarley Bob. Bob's estimate of the new-comer rose steadily day by day. "He had a wonderful eye for points."

"Just as he had his own good reasons for going away when and how he did, he probably had his reasons for taking nobody into his confidence. This Perry Baker, the expressman, must know that Cap'n Abe sent the trunk from the house, here." "Humph! Yes! Nobody's denyin' that." "Then Cap'n Abe must have known exactly what he wished to do.

"'Cook, you dunderhead! says the skipper, with a wink t' the crew. 'You been an' scarched the water agin. "Shoos he looked like he'd give up for good on the spot just like he knowed he was a fool, an' had knowed it for a long, long time, sort o' like he was sorry for we an' sick of hisself. "'Cook, says the skipper, 'you went an' done it agin. Yes, you did! Don't you go denyin' of it.