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Updated: August 14, 2024

The state of feeling in Numidia was evinced by the revolt of Vaga, the most considerable of the cities occupied by the Romans, in the winter of 646-7; on which occasion the whole Roman garrison, officers and men, were put to death with the exception of the commandant Titus Turpilius Silanus, who was afterwards whether rightly or wrongly, we cannot tell condemned to death by a Roman court-martial and executed for having an understanding with the enemy.

It would have made my story much better to have begun with telling you, that at the time my mother's arms were added to the Shandy's, when the coach was re-painted upon my father's marriage, it had so fallen out that the coach-painter, whether by performing all his works with the left hand, like Turpilius the Roman, or Hans Holbein of Basil or whether 'twas more from the blunder of his head than hand or whether, lastly, it was from the sinister turn which every thing relating to our family was apt to take it so fell out, however, to our reproach, that instead of the bend-dexter, which since Harry the Eighth's reign was honestly our due a bend-sinister, by some of these fatalities, had been drawn quite across the field of the Shandy arms.

The death was inflicted with all the barbarity of Roman military law; Turpilius was scourged and beheaded, and through this final expiation the episode of Vaga remained to many minds a still darker horror than before. But much had been gained by the recovery of the revolted town.

They and their commandant, Titus Turpilius Silanus, were reclining at the feast in the houses of their several hosts when the signal was given. The tribunes and centurions were massacred to a man; Turpilius alone was spared; then the conspirators turned on the rank and file of the Roman troops. The position of these was pitiable.

We need do no more than just notice the names of LUSCIUS LAVINIUS, the older rival and detractor of Terence; ATILIUS, whose style is characterised by Cicero as extremely harsh; TRABEA, who, like ATILIUS, was a contemporary of Caecilius, and LICINIUS IMBREX, who belonged to the older generation; TURPILIUS, JUVENTIUS, and VALERIUS, who lived to a considerably later period.

Between him and Terence a generation intervenes, filled by another comedian, Caecilius, whose works were said to unite much of the special excellences of both; while after the death of Terence his work was continued on the same lines by Turpilius and others, and dwindled away little by little into the early Empire.

With regard, however, to the other plays of Plautus, as well as those of Caecilius, Trabea, Licinius Imbrex, Luscius Lavinius, Terence and Turpilius, there is no ground for supposing that they departed from the regular treatment of palliatae. Plautus is a complete master of the Latin language in its more colloquial forms.

The state of feeling in Numidia was evinced by the revolt of Vaga, the most considerable of the cities occupied by the Romans, in the winter of 646-7; on which occasion the whole Roman garrison, officers and men, were put to death with the exception of the commandant Titus Turpilius Silanus, who was afterwards whether rightly or wrongly, we cannot tell condemned to death by a Roman court-martial and executed for having an understanding with the enemy.

The command at Vaga had been a further mark of favour, and it was believed by some that Turpilius had justified his commander's hopes only too well, and that it was his very humanity and consideration for the townsfolk under his command which had offered him means of escape such as only the most resolute would have refused.

Inquiry must be made as to the mode in which Turpilius the commandant had escaped unharmed from the massacre. The investigation was a bitter trial to Metellus; for the accused was bound to him by close ties of hereditary friendship, and had been accredited by him with the command of the corps of engineers.

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