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"Sair do I m'urn 'at the shaidow o' that lee ever crossed my rain'." "It was but a shaidow," said Cosmo. "But what wad ye think o' yersel', gien it had been you 'at sae near na, I winna nibble at the trowth ony mair gien it had been you, I wull say't,'at lee'd that lee sic an' ae sas it was?"

My only houp lies in a doobt a doobt, that is, whether I had ever come til a knowledge o' the trowth or hae yet! Maybe no!" "Laddie, ye're no i' yer richt min'. It's fearsome to hearken til ye!" "It'll be waur to hear me roarin wi' the rich man i' the lowes o' hell!" "Peter! Peter!" cried Marion, driven almost to distraction, "here's yer ain son, puir fallow, blasphemin like ane o' the condemned!

Sae awa she gaed! and Steenie efter her! added Kirsty in a lower tone, but Francis did not seem to hear, and said no more for awhile. 'But I maun tell ye the trowth, Kirsty, he resumed: 'forby yersel, there's them 'at says I'm a cooard! 'I h'ard ae man say't, only ane, and him only ance. 'And ye said til 'im, "Ay, I hae lang kenned that!" 'I tellt him whaever said it was a leear!

"I 've said naething to Maister MacPhail but what I 've said mair nor ance to yersel', laddie," she replied to the eager questioning of his eyes. "Gang yer wa's. The trowth maun cow the lee i' the lang rin. Aff wi' ye to Blue Peter!" When Malcolm reached Scaurnose he found Phemy's parents in a sad state.

Occasionally she would ask him to help her to understand something he had said; but even then he would not always try to make it plain; he might answer "I see, lassie, ye're no just ready for 't! It's true, though; and the day maun come whan ye'll see the thing itsel, and ken what it is; and that's the only w'y to win at the trowth o' 't!

An' jist think, gin it be fair for ae human being to influence anither a' 'at they can, and that's nae interferin' wi' their free wull it's impossible to measure what God cud do wi' his speerit winnin' at them frae a' sides, and able to put sic thouchts an' sic pictures into them as we canna think. It wad a' be true that he tellt them, and the trowth can never be a meddlin' wi' the free wull.

An' lat me tell you, John an' I winna beg yer pardon for sayin' 't, for it's God's trowth lat me tell you, 'at gin ye gang on that gait ye'll be sidin' wi' the Pharisee, an' no wi' oor Lord. Ye may lippen to yer wife, ay, an' to Jessie hersel', that kens better nor eyther o' ye, no to mak little o' virginity.

'Ye're in a waur hurry nor ye ken, for yer hurry sud be the ither gait! answered Kirsty; 'and I'm gaein to turn ye, or at least no gaein to lat ye gang, ohn heard a bit o' the trowth frae a woman aulder nor yersel! Lassie, ye seem to think naebody worth hearkenin til a word frae 'cep ae man, but I mean ye to hearken to me! Ye dinna ken what ye're aboot!

It hauds ye ohn lippent ower muckle, an' sae dune things or made remarks 'at wad be misread till ye. Ye maun haud an open ro'd, 'at the trowth whan it comes oot may have free course.

That an' no ither sud determine the personification ye gie a thing for that's the trowth o' the thing. Eh, man, Fergus! the jaws is fechtin' wi' nae rocks. They're jist at their pairt in a gran' cleansin' hermony. They're at their hoosemaid's wark, day an' nicht, to haud the warl' clean, an' gran' an' bonnie they sing at it.