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"'And let us all, my friends, be merry, And set nocht by this world a cherry; Now while there is good wyne to sell, He that does on dry bread worry, I gif him to the devil of hell." And he trowled the flask upon the table while he sung, as a kind of bass chorus to his song. "There's for thee, Wat!" continued he, filling out a flask. Wat kept his hand upon the holy book.

"Gone," answered Captain Colepepper "Gone, no matter where I had a mind to bite, and I was bitten, that's all I think my hand shook at the thought of t'other night's work, for I trowled the doctors like a very baby." "And you have lost all, then? Well, take this and be gone," said the scrivener. "What, two poor smelts! Marry, plague of your bounty! But remember, you are as deep in as I."

"Cards may be more agreeable," said Captain Colepepper; "and, for knowing your company, here is honest old Pillory will tell you Jack Colepepper plays as truly on the square as e'er a man that trowled a die Men talk of high and low dice, Fulhams and bristles, topping, knapping, slurring, stabbing, and a hundred ways of rooking besides; but broil me like a rasher of bacon, if I could ever learn the trick on 'em!"

"Adad," said the old Knight, "may I never taste claret again, if that is not the very tune with which the prick-eared villains began their onset at Wiggan Lane, where they trowled us down like so many ninepins! Faith, neighbours, to say truth, and shame the devil, I did not like the sound of it above half."

Stand buff against the reproach of thine over-tender conscience, man, and when thou summest up, like a good arithmetician, the actions of the day, before you balance the account on your pillow, tell the accusing spirit, to his brimstone beard, that if thine ears have heard the clatter of the devil's bones, thy hand hath not trowled them that if thine eye hath seen the brawling of two angry boys, thy blade hath not been bared in their fray."