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The first six were men of extraordinary talent, and, for the time in which they lived, of extraordinary virtue. They not only enlarged the boundaries of the Veronese, but subjected several distant cities. Albert della Scala added Trent and Riva, Parma and Reggio, Belluno and Vicenza, to his dominions; and Can Grande conquered Padua, Trevigi, Mantua, and Feltre.

The polar star was invisible of course. Called Deragola by Pinkerton, from the Trevigi edition. He here distinctly indicates the manufacture of sego. Nicobar and Andaman, on the east side of the bay of Bengal; called Necunera and Namgama in the Trevigi edition. Of the Island of Ceylon, and various parts of Hither India.

Mandeigascar in the Trevigi edition, and certainly meant for Madagascar. Madagascar has no pretensions to riches or trade, and never had; so that Marco must have been imposed upon by some Saracen or Arab mariner.

Pinkerton, from the Trevigi edition, names the country Cariam, and the governor Cocagio. The ordinary European price is about fourteen for one. The description of this creature seems to indicate an alligator or crocodile; which probably Marco had not seen, and only describes from an imperfect account of the natives.

His exorbitant claims were assented to, as it was infinitely important that the piratic expedition should be sanctioned by the blessing of the Church. Maximilian was to receive, in addition to some territories which Venice had wrested from him, Roveredo, Verona, Padua, Vicenza, Trevigi, and the Friuli.

In this passage, in the edition of Harris, the sense seems obscurely to insinuate that this had been occasioned by the sea having broken down or overwhelmed certain lands or islands, producing numbers of smaller islands and extensive shoals. Zipangu, Zipangri, or Cimpagu, is Japan without any doubt. Named Abataa and Yonsaintin by Pinkerton, from the Trevigi edition.

The latter Ven-san-sui, or Von-sain-cin, by his name seems to have been a Chinese. Called Caicon, or Jaiton in the Trevigi edition. Caicon is not very far removed from the sound of Cangtong or Canton, which has already been considered to be the Zaitum of the text. A.D. 1269, according to the Trevigi edition.

According to Pinkerton, these are called Melibar and Gesurach in the Trevigi edition, and he is disposed to consider the last as indicating Geriach, because of the pirates. But there seems no necessity for that nicety, as all the north-western coast of India has always been addicted to maritime plunder or piracy. Socotora is called Scorsia or Scoria in the Trevigi edition.

According to the Trevigi edition, as reported by Pinkerton, these islands are only seven miles from Lava or Borneo. At about seventy miles distance to the south-west, there are two islands named Caremata and Soorooto, which may be those mentioned in the text. Called Lochach in some of the editions, and said to be 200 miles from Sondor and Condur.

According to Pinkerton, this province is named Cariti, and its principal town Nociam, in the edition of Trevigi. Named previously Carazam and Caraian, afterwards Caraiam, or Carian. In some modern maps, Mien is introduced as a large province on the river of Pegu, immediately to the south-west of Yunnan in China, and divided from Bengal by the whole country of Ava.