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Barneveld well," said Sir Ralph Winwood, "and know that he hath great powers and abilities, and malice itself must confess that man never hath done more faithful and powerful service to his country than he. But 'finis coronat opus' and 'il di lodi lacera; oportet imperatorem stantem mori."

Barneveld well," said Sir Ralph Winwood, "and know that he hath great powers and abilities, and malice itself must confess that man never hath done more faithful and powerful service to his country than he. But 'finis coronat opus' and 'il di lodi lacera; oportet imperatorem stantem mori."

Barneveld well," said Sir Ralph Winwood, "and know that he hath great powers and abilities, and malice itself must confess that man never hath done more faithful and powerful service to his country than he. But 'finis coronat opus' and 'il di lodi lacera; oportet imperatorem stantem mori."

Barneveld well," said Sir Ralph Winwood, "and know that he hath great powers and abilities, and malice itself must confess that man never hath done more faithful and powerful service to his country than he. But 'finis coronat opus' and 'il di lodi lacera; oportet imperatorem stantem mori."

Et cum hoec dixisset, conversa est retrorsum, et vidit Jesum stantem: et non sciebat quia Jesus est. a series of tragic lieder set to verses of popular Spanish cantares, among others a gloomy sad love-song, like a black flame "Quisiera ser el sepulcro Donde a ti te han de enterrar, Para tenerte en mis brazos Por toda la eternidad."

Unsuccessful siege of Gibraltar by the Spaniards and French. End of the American war. The States-General are convened in France: beginning of the Revolution. "Purpurei metuunt tyranni Injurioso ne pede proruas Stantem columnam; neu populus frequens Ad arma cessantes ad arma Concitet, imperiumque frangat." HORAT. Od. i 35.