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In addition to these he had manlier accomplishments, playing good games of tennis, golf, and shuffle-board. Besides, Mr. Appel was his only dangerous opponent on the bowling alley, and he had learned to ride at the riding academy. Now, as he worked, he speculated as to whether he had imagined it or "the girl from Wyoming" really had laughed at him.

The passengers appeared to be well occupied; for the boys had brought shuffle-board and the potato game on the planks, and everybody was enjoying these plays, either by taking part or looking on. The commander had taught them these amusements early in their sea experience, and they always became very hilarious over them.

As a matter of fact, I found myself a sort of deck-steward, given the responsibility of looking after the shuffle-board and other deck games, the steamer-rugs, the cards, for they played bridge steadily, and answerable to George Williams, the colored butler, for the various liquors served on deck. The work was easy, and the situation rather amused me.

Almost immediately after breakfast on the very first day, a creature with a small black moustache and shining teeth had descended upon Ann and, vocal with surprise and pleasure at meeting her again he claimed, damn him!, to have met her before at Palm Beach, Bar Harbor, and a dozen other places had carried her off to play an idiotic game known as shuffle-board. Nor was this an isolated case.