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One of these days some reforming English novelist will write a book, showing the evil effects of over-indulgence in sport: the neglected business, the ruined home, the slow but sure sapping of the brain what there may have been of it in the beginning leading to semi-imbecility and yearly increasing obesity. A young couple, I once heard of, went for their honeymoon to Scotland.

Practically throughout my career my curse has been a lack of continuous self-control. I have been accused of being almost brilliant at times, only to be followed by periodic relapses into a condition of semi-imbecility and self-indulgence. I have done my best to ruin a magnificent constitution, and have wasted the abilities bestowed upon me.

'Although, in a measure, my physical health returned, for months after I had left the roof of my hospitable hosts, I was in a state of semi-imbecility. I suffered from a species of aphasia. For days together I was speechless, and could remember nothing, not even my own name.

Without a word he was now helping his sister into the carriage. Jeanne, of course, hardly counted she was dazed into semi-imbecility by the renewed terrors she had just gone through: so for the moment Victor felt that Crystal was isolated from the others.

It was murmured in reply that the girl had previously shown herself quick-witted and ready of tongue, and that it was only since the shock of her father's arrest that she had lapsed into her present state of apparent semi-imbecility.