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Updated: August 29, 2024

That almost every state in Europe and Asia, that is, almost every country, then known, is comprehended in this prediction, may be easily conceived, but whether it extends to regions at that time undiscovered, and portends any alteration of government in Carolina and Georgia, let more able or more daring expositors determine: "Conversa In rabiem tunc contremet ursa Cynthia."

Vos et Scyllaeam rabiem penitusque sonantes Accestis scopulos; vos et Cyclopia saxa Experti. Revocate animos, moestumque timorem Mittite; forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit." He wandered down to the water and saw a ship cleared for some port across the Atlantic. A longing seized him to go with her. Over the sea, he thought there he would be at rest.

Omnia foedantes, Vitiantes, et spoliantes; Quanquam haud pugnaces, Ibunt per cuncta minaces, Fures absque timore, Et pingues absque labore. Horrida dementes Rapiet discordia gentes; Plurima tunc leges Mutabit, plurima reges Natio; conversa In rabiem tunc contremet ursa Cynthia, tunc latis Florebunt lilia pratis; Nec fremere audebit Leo, sed violare timebit, Omnia consuetus Populari pascua lætus.

Again, in the comment on Canto XX. of the "Purgatory," where Benvenuto gives account of the outrage committed, at the instigation of Philippe le Bel, by Sciarra Colonna, upon Pope Boniface VIII., at Anagni, the translator omits the most characteristic portions of the original. Sed intense dolore superante animum ejus, conversus in rabiem furoris, coepit se rodere totum.

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