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Updated: August 10, 2024

Fabian. Polydor. Matt. West. saith. Hen. But the sea kéeping hir course, rose still higher and higher, and ouerflowed not onelie the kings féet, but also flashed vp vnto his legs and knees. Let vs therefore honor him, let vs confesse and professe him to be the ruler of heauen, earth, and sea, and besides him none other." Higd. Polydor. Matth.

And when he saw the enimies now at hand, he commanded that euerie man with one generall voice should answer him, crieng alowd the same crie that he should begin. Manie of them for hast were drowned in a riuer which they had to passe. Polydor taketh that riuer to be Trent.

Wherwith being somewhat mooued, he went streightwaies toward the north parts, and determined first to besiege Bedford by the waie, which apperteined to the earledome of Huntington, by gift made vnto Henrie the sonne of king Dauid, and therevpon at that present kept with a garison of Scotish men. Matth. West. Polydor. Matt. Paris.

Hunt. Vpon this mischiefe wrought by the father, the king now tooke his sonne Algar, and caused his eies to be put out. About the same time was Bambrough destroied by the Danes, which arriued after in Humber, and wasted the countrie of Lindsey and Yorkeshire, on either side that riuer. Polydor. Matth.

Also on the 26. daie of Januarie, there chanced a maruellous earthquake in Northfolke, in the Ile of Elie, and in Suffolke, so that men as they stood on the ground were ouerthrowne therewith, and buildings so shaken, that the belles in stéeples knolled: the like had also chanced in the Aduent season then last before passed. Wil. Paruus. Polydor.

About the seuenth wéeke after Easter, in the seuenth yéere of his reigne, king Alured went to Eglerighston, on the east part of Selwood, where there came to him the people of Summersetshire, Wiltshire, & Hamshire, reioising greatlie to sée him abroad. This battell should séeme the same that Polydor speaketh of fought at Abingdon. Polychron.

This battell was fought in the sixt yeare of king Stephans reigne, vpon Candlemas daie, being sundaie, as Niger saith. Polydor. Then came she backe againe to Wilton, and so to Oxenford, from thence to Reading, and then to S. Albons, into all which cities and townes she was receiued with great triumph and honour.

But within a few yeares after, this Eustace died, and then was Constance maried to Raimond earle of Tholouse. Malm. Polydor. Matth. Paris. Howbeit they got nothing of the king but faire words, and promises of amendment in that which had béene doone otherwise than equitie required which promises were vtterlie vnperformed, and so the councell brake vp.

Onelie Roderike gouernour of Connagh refused to submit himselfe. Paris. Polydor. Hervpon going to Dublin, which is the cheefest citie of all Ireland, he assembled all the rulers and lords as well spirituall as temporall togither in councell, consulting with them for the assurance of the dominion of the land to him and his heires for euermore.

Polydor. About the same time it rained bloud in the Ile of Wight, by the space of two daies togither, so that linen clothes that hoong on the hedges were coloured therewith: which vnvsed woonder caused the people, as the manner is, to suspect some euill of the said Johns gouernement.

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