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He said a hantle aboot the care o' Providence, but a' the gude that he did seemed to me to be but a haudin' aff o' something ill that he had made as weel. Ye wad hae thocht the deevil had made the warl', and syne God had pitten us intil 't, and jist gied a bit wag o' 's han' whiles to haud the deevil aff o' 's whan he was like to destroy the breed a'thegither.

I was stannin' at the coonter o' his shop waitin' for an unce o' sneeshin'; and Robert he was servin' a bit bairnie ower the coouter wi' a pennyworth o' triacle, when, in a jiffey, there cam' sic a blast, an' a reek fit to smore ye, oot o' the bit fire, an' the shop was fu' o' reek, afore ye could hae pitten the pint o' ae thoom upo' the pint o' the ither.

But I jist want to live lang eneuch to lat the Lord ken 'at I'm in doonricht earnest aboot it. I hae nae chance o' drinkin' as lang's I'm lyin' here. 'Never ye fash yer heid aboot that. He'll see 'at ye're a' richt. Dinna ye think 'at he'll lat ye aff. 'The Lord forbid, responded the soutar earnestly. 'It maun be a' pitten richt. It wad be dreidfu' to be latten aff.

But what a clever hand it was in an operation, as delicate as a woman's, and what a kindly voice it was in the humble room where the shepherd's wife was weeping by her man's bedside. He was "ill pitten thegither" to begin with, but many of his physical defects were the penalties of his work, and endeared him to the Glen.

"Your daughter loves Richard Jennifer well and truly; and with this entanglement brushed aside she will marry him when he comes back from the wars." "She will, ye say? And what will become o' the braw acres of Appleby that gait, I'd like to know? But ye're daft, man; clean daft. Didn't I speir her giving him his quittance once for all that night when he rode away after they had pitten ye to bed?

"Mother," he cried, "pit up Miss Anderson's claes in her box to gang wi' the carrier the morn's mornin'." "I'll tak them wi' me," said Dow resolutely. "Ye canna. Ye haena a cairt." "Ye get them pitten up, and I'll fess a barrow," said James, leaving the shop. He borrowed a wheelbarrow from Thomas Crann, and found the box ready for him when he returned.

The moment he lifted it, he was certain from the weight of the poor little property that the Bible was not there. "Ye haena pitten in Mr Cooie's Bible." "Mother! did ye pit in the Bible?" cried Bruce, for the house-door was open. "'Deed no, father. It's better whaur't is," said Mrs Bruce from the kitchen, with shrill response.

"Did Maister Cowie say onything to ye aboot onything that was in't, no?" "Ay, did he. He spak' o' a five-poun' note that he had pitten in't. But whan I luikit for't, I cudna fin' 't." "Ay! ay! Whan did ye luik for't?" "I forgot it for twa or three days maybe a week." "Do ye min' that Sunday nicht that twa or three o' 's cam hame wi' Bruce, and had worship wi' him an' you?" "Ay, weel eneuch.

"Gie's a han' up wi't, Alec," he said. And in a moment more Curly was off to Widow Lapp with his bag of firing. "He's a fine chield that Willie o' yours, George," said Alec to the father. "He only wants to hae a thing weel pitten afore him, an' he jist acts upo' 't direckly. "It's weel he maks a cronie o' you, Alec. There's a heap o' mischeef in him. Whaur's he aff wi thae spells?"

"Ye'll do nae sic thing. What's to come o' the buiks forbye, wantin' you or me to luik efter them? An' the senawtus'll be sayin' that I got my heid clured wi' fa'in' agen the curbstane." "I'll tell them a' aboot it, ane efter anither o' them." "Ay; jist do sae. Tell them a' aboot it. It wad brak my hert to pairt wi' the buiks afore I got them pitten in dacent order. Faith!