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With this news, however, it was plain as a pillar-box that things were going badly with his lordship's effort to release the Honourable George from his entanglement. The woman, doubtless with his compromising letters, would be holding out for a stiffish price; she would think them worth no end.

Ten years this very month!" added Aunt Linny, with an absent air. "Ten years ago this very month," I exclaimed, "did my distinguished self arrive at this venerable mansion. What a singular conjunction of events! No doubt our horoscopes would reveal some strange entanglement of destinies at this point.

His idea was to trot over to the German trenches and look inside." "Quite so!" agreed Wagstaffe, and Kemp chuckled. "Well, we were standing by the barbed wire entanglement, arguing the point, when suddenly some infernal imbecile in our own trenches " "Cockerell, for a dollar!" murmurs Wagstaffe. "Don't say he fired at you!" "No, he did worse. He let off a fireball." "Whew!

In summer they become one vast entanglement of verdure, amidst which, had it been the leafy season, Salvat might well have managed to secrete himself. For a moment he did find himself alone, and thereupon he halted to listen. He could neither see nor hear the keepers now. Had they lost his track, then? Profound quietude reigned under the fresh young foliage.

I am very short-sighted, as you may see, but you wear a ring of great beauty. May I look at it? 'It is pretty, certainly. It was a present Walpole made me. I am not sure that there is not a story attached to it, though I don't know it. 'Perhaps it may be linked with the "entanglement," said she, laughing softly. 'For aught I know, so it may. Do you admire it?

I have known several very noble Christian men who loved it intensely, but in them there was always traceable some entanglement of the thoughts with the matters of this world, causing them to fall into strange distresses and doubts, and often leading them into what they themselves would confess to be errors in understanding, or even failures in duty.

But the fatal entanglement of Buchanan's Administration with the slavery extremists had the double effect of weakening loyalty in army officers and building up rebellion among the Southern people.

He was thankful to have found them, for the terrific deadly current which he knew rushed through the formidable wire entanglement along the frontier had haunted him and baffled his wits. It was characteristic of Tom to think and plan far ahead. All the next day they journeyed through the hills, making a long detour to avoid a hamlet, and meeting no one.

But the clear sense of what is substantial, the power of piercing through accidents and conditions to the real kernel of the matter, the scornful disregard of all entanglement of apparent contradictions and inconsistencies, enable him to bring out the lesson which he finds before him with overpowering force.

Hoxie, an officer of the railway, some old telegraph wire left at the depot was used by Captain Poe to make an entanglement by fastening it between small stumps of a grove which had been felled along the slope northwest of the bastion at the salient.