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There was a bit lauch at this, an' Watty added, "I mean Sandy, of coorse no' the deevil 'at Bandy was speakin' aboot." "I was genna say," said Bandy, "when I was interrupit by the honourable gentleman " "O, gie's a rest," said Watty; an' Bandy had to begin again.

"Well, it was just to interview that deevil of a man down at Rotherfield." "You don't mean Professor Challenger?" I cried. "Aye, it's just him that I do mean. He ran young Alec Simpson of the Courier a mile down the high road last week by the collar of his coat and the slack of his breeches. You'll have read of it, likely, in the police report.

"We're no far frae there," says I an' deed I can hardly tell ye, Robert, what garred me say sae, but I jist wantit to ken what that gentleman-brither o' mine was efter; "tak the horse hame," says I "I'll jist loup upo' Black Geordie an' we'll hae a glaiss thegither. I'll stan' treat." Sae he gae me the bridle, an' I lap on. The deevil tried to get a moufu' o' my hip, but, faith!

But quick as he was, he was not as quick as the bear, for, with a motion like lightning and a grip like steel, Black Bruin pinioned his arms to his sides and held him as though in the grip of Vulcan. "Heii, yii-here, you brute deevil. You let me go I keel you," shrieked Pedro. But the words, that would have made the bear cringe and skulk a few hours before, held no terror for him.

Pretty soon I keep on looking some more an' I see down in his har, round hees neck one peeg collar, jes' like a dog. "Heem one beeg deevil. I so scart when he drink out uv de bottle, I no say nutting. He eat my pie, I no say nutting. I 'fraid he take my gun by the tree an' shoot me. By gar. "By and by he go way and I go up an' look. Perhaps I t'ink I been dreaming.

Flockhart, replied the Gael. 'And will ye face thae tearing chields, the dragoons, Ensign Maccombich? again inquired the landlady. 'Claw for claw, as Conan said to Satan, Mrs. Flockhart, and the deevil tak the shortest nails. 'And will the colonel venture on the bagganets himsell? 'Ye may swear it, Mrs. Flockhart; the very first man will he be, by Saint Phedar.

The dog would have been over after him, had not Cosmo, turning his back on the bailiff, who had not observed his master's danger, knocked the dog, in the act of leaping, once more to the earth, when a rush of stones that came with him, and partly fell upon him, had its share in cowing him. "Haud him! haud him! haud the deevil, ye brute! Haud the brute, ye deevil!" cried his lordship.

"A' daurna say yea, Bell, muckle as a' wud like, for this is an evil disease, cunnin, an' treacherous as the deevil himsel', but a' winna say nay, sae keep yir hert frae despair. "It wull be a sair fecht, but it 'ill be settled one wy or anither by sax o'clock the morn's morn.

Na, na, laddie! frae my verra hert, I wuss he may be that affrontit wi' himsel' 'at he canna sae muckle as lift up's een to h'aven, but maun smite upo' 's breist an' say, 'God be mercifu' to me a sinner! That's my curse upo' him, for I wadna hae 'im a deevil. Whan he comes to think that shame o' himsel', I'll tak him to my hert, as I tak the bairn he misguidit.

"Aither for God or for the deevil, my leddy that depen's upo' the fowk themsel's. I say it hauds them up to fecht, an' the thing maun be fouchten oot. Fowk to fecht maun live, an' the herrin' hauds the life i' them, an' sae the catchin' o' the herrin' comes in to be a pairt o' the battle."