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There are, however, a few, whom, like myself, imprisonment has rather mortified than hardened: with these only I converse; and of these you may, perhaps, hereafter receive some account from Your humble servant, No. 45. Nulla fides regni sociis, omnisque potestas Impatiens consortis erit. LUCAN. Lib. i. 92. No faith of partnership dominion owns: Still discord hovers o'er divided thrones.

Sunt enim plerique ebrii, gulosi, procaces, inconstantes, impatientes, stolidi, inertes, omnisque libidinis genere coinquinati. Optimi quique inter illos stulti sunt." De Utilitate, p. 362. De Vita Propria, ch. xiii. p. 45. "Quid profuit hæc tua industria, quis infelicior in filiis? quorum alter male periit: alter nec regi potest nec regere?" Opera, tom. i. p. 109. Opera, tom. i. p. 614.

He begins at last to find that success is not to be expected, and being unfit for any employment that might improve his fortune, and unfurnished with any arts that might amuse his leisure, is condemned to wear out a tasteless life in narratives which few will hear, and complaints which none will pity. No. 183. Nulla fides regni sociis, omnisque potestas Impatiens consortis erit. LUCAN, Lib. i. 92.

Maledicat illum sanctus Michael, animarum susceptor sa- os crarum. Maledicant illum omnes angeli et archangeli, principatus et potestates, omnisque militia coelestis. os Maledicat illum patriarcharum et prophetarum laudabilis numerus.