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Then you think that with five or six hundred francs, these poor Morels " "Will be stocked with everything, first-class, for a long time to come." "Neighbor, an idea has just struck me." "Well, what is it about?" "Do you understand household affairs are you clever at making purchases?" "Yes rather so," said Miss Dimpleton, with a look of simplicity.

"NOW look at him now he's wet!" he said. "Yes!" she exclaimed, brimful of satisfaction. The children of Scargill Street felt quite select. At the end where the Morels lived there were not many young things. So the few were more united.

Its flavour and colour may thus be preserved, and will be found useful in winter. Artichoke bottoms, slowly dried, should be kept in paper bags. Truffles, morels, and lemon peel, should be hung in a dry place, and ticketed. Small close cabbages, laid on a stone floor before the frost sets in, will blanch and be very fine, after many weeks' keeping.

"And over and above all," said Anastasia, "I always regret that the porringer full of scalding soup which I threw on the backs of the two bailiffs had not been melted lead." "It is true; and I ought to render this just homage to the affection which my wife has avowed to the Morels."

Serve them up with truffles, morels, mushrooms, cockscombs, forc'd-meat balls, and a little lemon to your taste. This is a top-dish for second, or side dish for first course. To make POVERADE. Take a pint of good gravy, half a jill of elder vinegar, six shalots, a little pepper and salt, boil all these together a few minutes, and strain it off.