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De Rougé, in his "Catalogue des signes hiéroglyphiques de l'imprimerie nationale," 1851, attached to each of many hundreds of signs and varieties of signs a short description, often very correct. He again dealt with the subject in 1867, and published a "Catalogue Raisonné" of the more usual signs in the first livraison of his "Chrestomathie Egyptienne."

. . .From Boston, March 6th, I had the honor to thank you for your letter of January 5th, and for your splendid present of your great work on fossil fishes livraison 1-22 received, with the plates. Bakewell's account of your visit to Mr. Mantell's museum. In Boston I made some little efforts in behalf of your work, and have the pleasure of naming as follows: Josiah Quincy, President.

Krusenstern's Voyage round the World, 1803-6. 2 vols. 4to. Translated from the German. A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea, and Behring's Straits, in 1815-18. By Kotzebue. 3 vols. 8vo. 1821. Translated from the German, but badly. Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde. Par Choris. Livraison, 1-9. Paris, 1821.

The Ultras say justly, that this negative system cannot last, and that prompt action is as much a political as it is a military necessity. The sixth livraison of the Tuileries papers has just appeared. Its contents are unimportant. There is a receipt from Miss Howard, the Emperor's former mistress, showing that between 1850 and 1855 she received above five million francs.

The eighth livraison of the Tuileries papers has appeared; it contains two letters from General Ducrot to General Frossard, a despatch from the French Foreign-office to Benedetti, a report on France by Magne, and a letter from a prefect to Pietri.

The fourth livraison of the Tuileries papers contains the report of a spy on the doings of the Russian Military Attaché. This gentleman lost some document, and observes that it can only be his Prussian colleague who took it from him. Such is diplomacy. The weather is beautiful. Women and children are making holiday in the streets. The inner line of barricades is nearly finished. Evening.