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I gave Isaac a dram to kep his heart up, and he sung and leuch as if he had been boozing with some of his drucken cronies; for feint a hair cared he about auld kirkyards, or vouts, or dead folk in their winding-sheets, with the wet grass growing over them. Then, although I tried to stop him, he began to tell stories of Eirish ressurrectioners, and ghaists, seen in the kirkyard at midnight.

"Attention!" shouted Dauvid till his class; an' Bandy Wobster wha was busy glowerin' at the drunkard's liver, an' windrin' what like his ain was, nae doot strak in, without kennin', wi' "Shoulder arms!" an' the laddies roared an' leuch till you wud actually thocht they wudda wranged themsel's.

The lad was scaret at that, as weel he micht, an' takin' aff 's bannet, he lowtit laich, an' left her. But this didna shuit my leddy; she wasna to be left afore she said gang! sae she cried him back, an' he cam, bannet in han'; an' she leuch, an' made as gien she had been but tryin' the smeddum o' 'im, an' thoucht him a true k-nicht.

'Ow! what ken I? says she, wi' anither ill leuk; an' wi' that she leuch an' turned awa, but turned back again or she wan to the door, an' says she 'Maybe ye didna ken 'at she was broucht to bed hersel' aboot a sax ooks ago? 'Puir leddy! said I, thinkin' mair o' her evil report nor o' the pains o' childbirth.

And syne whan the pain cam' back wi' a terrible stoon, I jist amaist leuch; an I thoucht that gin he wad brack me a' to bits, I wad never cry haud, nor turn my finger to gar him stent. Noo, ye're ane o' the Lord's bairns " "Eh! I dinna ken," cried Annie, half-terrified at such an assurance from Thomas, and the responsibility devolved on her thereby, and yet delighted beyond expression.

'Think o' 't? says I ; 'what sud I think o' 't, but that it's the wull o' Providence? Wi' that she leuch till she wabblet a' ower like cauld skink, an' says she 'Weel, that's jist what it is no, an' that lat me tell ye, Miss Horn! I glowert at her, maist frichtit into believin' she was the witch fowk ca'd her.

'First I leuch at him as weel as I can min' tho nonsense o' 't and ca'd him the gowk he was; and syne I sent him awa wi' a flee in 's lug: hadna he the impidence to fa' oot upo' me for carin mair aboot Steenie nor the likes o' him! As gien ever he cud come 'ithin sicht o' Steenie! Her father looked very grave. 'Are ye no pleased, father? I did what I thoucht richt.

"A Presbitree Meetin'!" read oot Sandy; an' you wudda thocht the Smith an' Bandy Wobster were genna ding doon the hoose wi' their noise an' roarin' an' lauchin'. "I thocht they were gey black-lookin' gentry for a meal mob," says the Smith; an' Bandy nodded his heid an' leuch, an' says, "Man, Sandy's a perfeck genius as fac's ocht, I hinna heard onything like him."

And he's been mair nor ance efter ye? Whatfor didna ye tell me afore, Kirsty? 'We war bairns thegither, ye ken, father, and I never ance thoucht the thing worth fashin ye aboot till the day. We've aye been used to Francie comin and gaein! I never tellt my mither onything, he said, and I tell her a'thing worth tellin, and mony a thing forby. I aye leuch at him as I wud at a bairn till the day.

She woke, not, like most young people, with slow gradation of consciousness, but all at once was wide awake. She sat up in her chair. "Was I snorin', laddie,'at ye leuch?" she asked, in a tone of slight offence. "Eh, na!" replied Cosmo. "It was only 'at ye was sayin' something rale funny i' yer sleep, ye ken a queer jingle o' poetry it was."