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The attempt to show its presence in the syllabarium of the latter is at any rate mistaken, for the syllabarium can and does only take notice of the Etruscan letters that were afterwards in common use, and to these the koppa notoriously did not belong; moreover the sign placed at the close cannot well from its position have any other value than that of the -f, which was in fact the last letter in the Etruscan alphabet, and which could not be omitted in a syllabarium exhibiting the variations of that alphabet from its model.

The attempt to show its presence in the syllabarium of the latter is at any rate mistaken, for the syllabarium can and does only take notice of the Etruscan letters that were afterwards in common use, and to these the koppa notoriously did not belong; moreover the sign placed at the close cannot well from its position have any other value than that of the -f, which was in fact the last letter in the Etruscan alphabet, and which could not be omitted in a syllabarium exhibiting the variations of that alphabet from its model.

This is the inscription of the bracelet of Praeneste which has been mentioned at xiv, note 14. On the other hand even on the Ficoroni cista "id:C" has the later form of "id:K". For they expressed for a time the sound k before the vowels -e -i -o and before all consonants by "id:C", before -a on the other hand by "id:K", before -u by the old sign of the koppa "id:Q".

It is certainly surprising that the koppa should be absent from the Greek alphabet that came to Etruria, when it otherwise so long maintained its place in the Chalcidico-Doric ; but this may well have been a local peculiarity of the town whose alphabet first reached Etruria.

The sharp passion which moved her now as she stood before Jethro Fawe would not have been so acute yesterday; but to-day she had lain in a Gorgio's arms to-day; and though he was nothing to her, he was still a Gorgio of Gorgios; and this man before her her husband was at best but a man of the hedges and the byre and the clay-pit, the quarry and the wood; a nomad with no home, nothing that belonged to what she was now a part of organized, collective existence, the life of the house-dweller, not the life of the 'tan', the 'koppa', and the 'vellgouris' the tent, the blanket, and the fair.

I. XIII. Etrusco-Attic and Latino-Sicilian Commerce That the Etruscans always were without the koppa, seems not doubtful; for not only is no sure trace of it to be met with elsewhere, but it is wanting in the model alphabet of the Galassi vase.

This is the inscription of the bracelet of Praeneste which has been mentioned at xiv, note 14. On the other hand even on the Ficoroni cista "id:C" has the later form of "id:K". For they expressed for a time the sound k before the vowels -e -i -o and before all consonants by "id:C", before -a on the other hand by "id:K", before -u by the old sign of the koppa "id:Q".

It is certainly surprising that the koppa should be absent from the Greek alphabet that came to Etruria, when it otherwise so long maintained its place in the Chalcidico-Doric ; but this may well have been a local peculiarity of the town whose alphabet first reached Etruria.

The sharp passion which moved her now as she stood before Jethro Fawe would not have been so acute yesterday; but to-day she had lain in a Gorgio's arms to-day; and though he was nothing to her, he was still a Gorgio of Gorgios; and this man before her her husband was at best but a man of the hedges and the byre and the clay-pit, the quarry and the wood; a nomad with no home, nothing that belonged to what she was now a part of organized, collective existence, the life of the house-dweller, not the life of the 'tan', the 'koppa', and the 'vellgouris' the tent, the blanket, and the fair.

I. XIII. Etrusco-Attic and Latino-Sicilian Commerce That the Etruscans always were without the koppa, seems not doubtful; for not only is no sure trace of it to be met with elsewhere, but it is wanting in the model alphabet of the Galassi vase.